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How to Find the Treasure Shrimp in Lootify


One of the several events added to Lootify as part of the Valentine's Day Event is the Treasure Shrimp. Indicative of its name, this event revolves around finding/catching a giant Shrimp to get tons of coins. So, here is a detailed guide on finding the Treasure Shrimp in Lootify.

Treasure Shrimp Event Guide - Lootify

Like most events in Lootify, the Treasure Shrimp event is also random, and nobody knows when it will appear on the server. However, when it spawns, you will receive a global message saying that a Treasure Shrimp has arrived in the sea. Now, all you have to do is travel to the coast/entrance around World 3 to find a large golden shrimp with a pale golden crown on its head swimming around the area. All you have to do is go near this traveling Shrimp and catch it with your head. Yes, you do not require any fishing rods, and you can easily catch it with your bare hand while traveling on your mount.

Once you catch it, you will get a lot of chest and coins from it. It is a much better and more efficient way of farming chest/coins compared to the other newly added event - Sunken Treasure, where you receive a message about a sunken treasure ship containing lots of loot. Why is it good? Well, if you compare the loot acquired from both events, the Shrimp one is way better in terms of both quantity and rarity, making it a must-target during your gameplay sessions. You can acquire anywhere from 20 Million to 2 Billion Gold Coins from the Treasure Shrimp in a single time.

Remember, like most events, you can only farm a limited amount of gold/chest per day and need to wait for 24 hours before you can participate again.

For more on Lootify, Check out All 7 Mr.Clark NPC Locations in Lootify – Roblox or All 6 Cat Locations in Lootify – Roblox

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