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Best 7 Days to Die Mods


Since 7 Days to Die is a survival-crafting game, there are plenty of mods available to download. From quality-of-life mods to silly additions that change up the game, here are some of the best 7 Days to Die mods.

Mods in 7 Days to Die

Mods can make a lot of changes in 7 Days to Die. You might find new ways to build your base and better perks to choose for what you want to accomplish, or you might want to add quality-of-life mods that make adjustments to features that you aren’t thrilled with. However, since the game has undergone a lot of patches and updates over the years, you need to pay attention to the last update date for mods, because if they’re too old, they might not be compatible with the game anymore.

Craft from Containers

Image via Nexus Mods

This mod from SYN0N1M on Nexus Mods seems like a small change, but it has a big impact on your in-game quality of life. It’s annoying that you normally can’t craft straight from containers for recipes that don’t require a station, such as the forge or a fire. With this mod, you don’t need to deal with the frustration of opening and closing a container while you try to craft, realizing that you forgot the materials you need.

Enemy Health

Image via Nexus Mods

A combat quality of life mod from kreedyk on Nexus Mods, this adds a health bar to enemies. Again, it’s a small change that makes a difference when you’re playing. The default is that enemies don’t have health bars to let you know if it’s time to run because you won’t kill them before they kill you. While it removes a bit of realism, it’s definitely great to have a way to see how close an enemy is to dying.

Oakraven Ammo Press

Image via Nexus Mods

This mod is from arramus on Nexus Mods, and it’s a super creative way to redo the ammo crafting system. There are already ways to craft ammo in 7 Days to Die, but none are as sleek and convenient as this mod’s ammo press. Since ammo is a necessity to survive in this game, and you’re always going through ammo faster than you can craft it, it’s great to have a compact station dedicated to crafting more. Additionally, you have to unlock the ammo press through engineering perks and magazines, so it’s not something that the mod hands to you.

Related: 7 Days to Die – Best Perks List

All in One Gun Pack

Image via Nexus Mods

From FlufferNutterSandwich on Nexus Mods, this mod upgrades the weapon system in 7 Days to Die. It includes dozens of new weapons, ammo, and even weapon animations. This mod doesn’t make a huge difference in terms of gameplay, but it gives you new options for combat that might feel more realistic to have in an apocalypse-themed game. While this isn’t the only mod that adds more weapons and ammo, it’s a decent size compared to other mods. It’s not too big or small, so it’s great for some new options without overwhelming you.


Image via Nexus Mods

This mod is another one from arramus on Nexus Mods, and it puts you into the position of a prepper. With the mod, you get larger inventory options, which include more crafting and scrapping slots when you aren’t using a station. Then, you have new default zombies, a custom HUD, quests that fit your prepper identity, and increased area sizes for areas aside from cities. As for your survival skills, you have access to new perks and items like beehives and chicken coops. It gives the game a new feel without losing the base’s essence.

No Silent Zombies

Image via Nexus Mods

From 0xSteel on Nexus Mods, this mod fixes an audio issue that can be frustrating when you’re playing. Sometimes, animals and zombies don’t make a sound when you aren’t looking at them. Then, you’re surprised when they attack you, and you lose health because you didn’t know you were being followed. Plus, it’s more realistic to have this mod, since zombies shuffling behind you would definitely be audible.

Fast Travel

Image via Nexus Mods

A mod from JustAlterr on Nexus Mods, Fast Travel gives you a fast travel option to get to traders. It’s not game-breaking to have this mod, since it only fast travels to traders, but it’s nice to not have to hike over to the traders anymore. Plus, going to traders is usually for the sake of completing a quest, so it’s a small change that saves a good chunk of time, depending on where you set up your base in relation to the traders.

Which of these mods takes the place of the best of the best mods in 7 Days to Die depends on what you want from a mod. I prefer quality-of-life mods that improve my experience without changing it, but other players might want ones that add content instead. Either way, there are plenty of mods to explore from the game’s wonder community.

7 Days to Dieis available now.

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