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Best Builds in Verse Piece [Vergil Rerun]


With so many OP swords, specs, traits, and whatnot in VP, devising the best build yourself can be a real hassle, especially because you'll have to grind for all of them to test them out. So, we decided to do that for you, and the results are in. Here is our definitive list of the best builds in Verse Piece and how to get them!

Best Build in Verse Piece

In a nutshell, the best build in Verse Piece is just a collection of all the best-in-slot (BiS) pieces for every piece of gear, passives, and other bonuses. That's because there isn't any real synergy between traits, races, swords, and whatnot; you just want the most damage and stats you can get. The list below is a short list of all the best pieces for each slot:

  • Best Traits: Monarch (BiS), Rejected Zenin
  • Best Races: Contractor (BiS DPS), Shadow (BiS PvP), Half Cyborg (BiS Defense), Dragonic
  • Best Abilities: Vizard Mask (BiS Offense), Gatekeeper (BiS QoL), TNT, Snow
  • Best Artifacts: Ice (BiS), Intelligence
  • Best Fruits: Light/Shiny Light-Dark (BiS)
  • Best Combat/Spec: Aizen (TYBW) (BiS), Rimuru, Gojo (Limitless), Hakari (Gambler)
  • Best Sword/Weapon: Sung Jin Woo (BiS), Cid V2, Stark (LL), Yoriichi, Alucard
  • Best Accessories: Los Lobos Clothes (BiS)
  • Best Stats Distribution:
    • Strength: 0
    • Defense: 10,000
    • Sword: 15,000
    • Special: 15,000

Further down, we delve deeper into how to get all the best things in VP and what each of them does. So, you can use this guide as a cheat sheet while playing to keep track of which types of content you need to farm until you've got all the best build pieces.

Best Traits & How to Get Them

The two best traits in Verse Piece are Monarch and Rejected Zenin. Both give you +10,000 to all stats and an 7.5x/6.5x damage multiplier. You can get both of those by rerolling at the Traits Reroll NPC for 25 Gems a spin.

TraitEffectHow to Get

7.5x Damage Multiplier
10,000 Strength
10,000 Defense
10,000 Sword
10,000 Special

Required for Sung Jin Woo.
Trait Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.025% Chance)

Rejected Zenin
6.5x Damage Multiplier
10,000 Strength
10,000 Defense
10,000 Sword
10,000 Special

Required for Toji Unleashed.
Trait Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.025% Chance)

Best Races & How to Get Them

The power disparity between races in Verse Piece is much lower than between traits, and there are a lot more options you can use to make the best build. Generally, Contractor and Dragonic are the best offensive races, while Shadow and Half Cyborg are the best for defense. You can get Race Rerolls from any chest, though they most often drop from Mythic/Exotic chests.

RaceEffectHow to Get

2x Damage Multiplier
Passive: Contract
Every time you get hit, gain +1 stack.
Every 5 stacks explode (Specials scaling), dealing damage to nearby enemies and healing.
Race Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.05% Chance)

2.25x Damage Multiplier
Required for Rimuru
Race Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.05% Chance)

100% Damage Reduction in PvP onlyRace Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.05% Chance)

Half Cyborg
2x Max HP Multiplier
Reduce incoming damage by 75%
Race Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.05% Chance)

Best Abilities & How to Get Them

There are a bunch of good abilities in Verse Piece, and the best one, Vizard Mask, is actually extremely easy to get. Other good offensive skills are TNT and Snow. There is also Gatekeeper, which provides a QoL benefit, and you can always switch it out before combat. Also, same as with Race Rerolls, Ability Rerolls are mostly Mythic/Exotic chest drops.

AbilityEffectHow to Get

Vizard Mask
Deal 1.5x Damage for a time. Take 15% HP DMG at the end.Ability Rerolls
(Epic - 3.5%)

Opens a portal to any island.Ability Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.025%)

Deal 54,100 AoE Damage.Ability Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.025%)

Deal 11,100 AoE Damage and freeze enemies.Ability Rerolls
(Exotic - 0.025%)

Best Artifacts & How to Get Them

There are really only two viable artifacts to use in Verse Piece, and they are Ice and Intelligent. You can get these two as well as all other artifacts, such as Mythic-rarity drops from chests. So, just open Mythic/Exotic chests, and you'll eventually get them.

ArtifactEffectHow to Get

Ice Artifact
Freeze enemies with consecutive hits.Drop from Mythic/Exotic Chests

Intelligent Artifact
All your cooldowns are 25% lower.Drop from Mythic/Exotic Chests

Best Fruits & How to Get Them

The best fruits in Verse Piece are Light and Shiny Light-Dark. They're virtually the same, the difference being just their cosmetic. Their main benefit is that you can drop all of their skills within 0.5s and switch to spec/sword. Plus, it has flight for mobility. You can get fruits via the standard Fruit Reroll NPCs.

FruitMovesHow to Get

Shiny Light-Dark
Z: Perform a quick horizontal slice around you (4701 DMG).
X: Launch a series of slashes in the area in front of you (5373 DMG).
C: Rain down projectiles, dealing damage to enemies in the area (6716 DMG).
Fruit Rerolls
(Legendary - 1.25%)

Z: Perform a quick horizontal slice around you (4701 DMG).
X: Launch a series of slashes in the area in front of you (5373 DMG).
C: Rain down projectiles, dealing damage to enemies in the area (6716 DMG).
Fruit Rerolls
(Legendary - 1.25%)

Best Combats/Specs & How to Get Them

There are really only four end-game specs in Verse Piece, and those are Rimuru, Aizen (TYBW), Hakari (Gambler), and Gojo (Limitless). Of those four, only Hakari and Gojo are currently obtainable by new players. To get them, you'll need to fill out a bunch of requirements listed in the table below.

SpecMovesHow to Get

Z: Quick AoE blast in front of the user (16,700 DMG).
X: Fire a projectile that explodes on impact (1,500 DMG).
C: Multiple explosions around the user (50,200 DMG).
V: Slash all enemies in the area multiple times (23,400 DMG).
F: Buff user DMG by 25%.
10,000 Gems
1 Slime Core: Drop from Tempest Dungeon (Not Available).
250 Slime: Drop from Tempest Dungeon (Not Available).
5 Tempest Ore: Drop from Tempest Dungeon (Not Available).
Demon Lord Title: Drop from Tempest Dungeon (Not Available).
Dragonic Race: Race rerolls.
Talk to Rimuru Teacher NPC at Snow Island (Lv. 300-600).

Aizen (TYBW)
Z: Deal damage in a massive area around you (33,500 DMG).
X: Repeatedly slash the area in front of you (33,500 DMG).
C: Channel explosions in front of you (33,500 DMG).
V: After a windup, deal damage in a massive area around you (50,300 DMG).
F: Buff Aizen (TYBW) DMG by 40%.
15,000 Gems
1x Spirit Hogyoku: Crafting (100 True Hogyoku). Low chance to drop when using True Hogyoku or when killing Aizen (TYBW) Boss.
100x True Hogyoku: Mythical drop from chests, Aizen (TYBW) Boss, and Starkk (LL) Boss.
500x Mask Crack: Drop from Vasto Lorde at Karakura Town (Lv. 7,500-10,000)
Aizen Combat/Spec:
5,000 Gems
1 Aizen Eyepatch: Rare drop from the Aizen Boss (Not Available).
10 Hogyoku Fragments: Rare drop from the Aizen Boss (Not Available).
5 True Hogyoku: Mythical drop from chests, Aizen (TYBW) Boss, and Starkk (LL) Boss.
• Talk to Aizen Teacher NPC at Shells Town (Lv. 1,500-3,000).
Betrayer Trait equipped: Talk to Betrayer NPC at Lost Isle and kill 50 players to complete the quest.
Soul King Title equipped: Rare drop from Aizen (TYBW) Boss.
Talk to Aizen (TYBW) Teacher NPC at Bleach Island.

Hakari (Gambler)
Z: Channel a barrage of punches in an area in front of you (18,800 DMG).
X: Summon a cargo container and kick it away from you (16,700 DMG).
C: Summon two doors and slam them together, dealing damage (20,900 DMG).
V: Summon a slot machine that detonates after a short delay (25,100 DMG).
F: Channel for a few seconds to gain invulnerability for 40 seconds.
7,777 Gems
77 King Cards: Drop from chests, Hakari (Gambler) Boss, and Hakari Gacha.
77 Queen Cards: Drop from chests, Hakari (Gambler) Boss, and Hakari Gacha.
77 Joker Cards: Drop from chests, Hakari (Gambler) Boss, and Hakari Gacha.
Jackpot 777 Title: Drop from Hakari (Gambler) Boss and Hakari Gacha.
Talk to Hakari (Gambler) NPC at Arcade Island.

Gojo (Limitless)
Z: Cast Red in the area in front of you, dealing damage (11,736 DMG).
X: Cast Blue at the target location, dealing damage and pulling enemies (11,736 DMG).
C: Cast Hollow Purple in a straight line in front of you (20,958 DMG).
V: Stun enemies around you for 10 seconds.
F: Channel for a few seconds to gain invulnerability for 20 seconds.
7,500 Gems
2 True Six Eyes: Rare drop from chests and Gojo (Limitless) Boss.
10 Limitless Shards: Rare drop from the Gojo (Limitless) Boss.
10 Limitless Power: Rare drop from the Gojo (Limitless) Boss.
100 Curse Energy Shards: Drop from JJK bosses.
Honored One Trait equipped: Trait rerolls.
Talk to Gojo (Limitless) Teacher NPC at Jujutsu Village (Lv. 3,000-5,000).

Best Swords/Weapons & How to Get Them

Swords are the biggest source of damage you'll have in your build, and the best ones in Verse Piece right now are Sung Jin Woo, Cid V2, Yoriichi, Alucard, and Starkk (LL). Of those five, only Starkk (LL), SJW, and Cid V2 are obtainable, the easiest one to get being Cid's. Here are their stats and obtainment paths:

SwordMovesHow to Get

Sung Jin Woo
Z: Perform multiple slashes toward the front (40,200 DMG).
X: Throw your dagger straight in front of you (36,000 DMG).
C: Channel a barrage of slashes in an area in front of you (42,800 DMG)
V: Channel a barrage of slashes in a wide area around you (58,700 DMG)
F: Summon Igris to fight for you. He despawns after killing 1 mob.
10,000 Gems
1 Basaka Dagger: Rare drop from the Shadow Monarch dungeon.
1 Knight Dagger: Rare drop from the Shadow Monarch dungeon.
2nd Awakening title: Finish the Jinwoo Quest at Karakura Town (Lv. 7,500-10,000).
Jinwoo Quest: Die to a player with the Betrayer trait a 100 times (farm with friends).
Monarch trait equipped: Trait rerolls.
Talk to Sung Jin Woo Teacher NPC at the Starter Island (Lv. 1-100)

Cid Kagenou V2
Z: Unleash several slashes around you (41,900 DMG).
X: Cast a barrage of slices at enemies in front of you (51,900 DMG).
C: Damage enemies in a wide area around you multiple times (42,800 DMG).
V: Create a vortex that damages enemies in a massive area (62,800 DMG).
F: Channel and then detonate everything in a massive area around you (134,100 DMG).
10,000 Gems
2 Cid's Eyes: Bought at Event Exchange NPC (Starter Island) for 2,500 Shadow Fragments.
2,500 Shadow Fragments: Drop from the Shadow Castle dungeon.
Shadow King trait equipped: Trait rerolls.
Shadow Garden title: Defeat the Shadow Castle dungeon on Hard mode 10 times.
Cid Kagenou Sword equipped: Regular Cid Kagenou sword.
Talk to Shadow Teacher NPC during the night at Frost Town (Lv. 5,000-7,500)

Z: Cast a burst of flames in front of you and ignite the enemies (43,900 DMG).
X: Channel and then dash forward, damaging enemies on the path (55,600 DMG).
C: Cast a vertical slash in front of you (49,700 DMG).
V: Launch a barrage of slashes in a wide area around you (114,200 DMG).
Finish in the top 5 of the Endless Dungeon leaderboard.
Talk to the Yoriichi Teacher NPC at Runes Island.

Passive: Heal when you damage enemies with Alucard moves.
Z: Cast a barrage of blood projectiles in front of you (33,900 DMG).
X: Launch an ice code in front of you, damaging and freezing enemies (27,200 DMG).
C: Cast repeated blood explosions in the area in front of you (29,300 DMG).
V: Unleash ice pulses in a wide area around you, freezing enemies (37,700 DMG).
7,500 Gems
1 Alucard Blood: Rare drop from Alucard Boss (Not Available).
1 Casull: Rare drop from Alucard Boss (Not Available).
1 Jackal: Rare drop from Alucard Boss (Not Available).
Vampire Race: Race rerolls.

Starkk (LL)
Z: Channel multiple small jets of raw energy that damage enemies (48,400 DMG).
X: Channel a jet of raw energy that damages enemies (42,000 DMG).
C: Dash and slash multiple times toward the front (37,700 DMG)
V: Channel twin jets of raw energy that damage enemies (60,300 DMG)
F: Buff Starkk (LL) DMG by 25%.
10,000 Gems
100 Resureccion Energy: Rare drop from the Starkk Boss and Starkk (LL) Boss.
2 Gun Barrel (Starkk): Drop from the Bleach Gacha.
2 Handle (Starkk): Drop from the Bleach Gacha.
100 True Hogyoku: Rare drop from chests, Aizen (TYBW) Boss, and Starkk (LL) Boss.
1 Los Lobos Core: Rare drop from the Starkk (LL) Boss.
Starkk Sword: Regular Starkk sword.
Los Lobos title: Slay Stark (LL) boss 25 times.
Talk to Starkk (LL) Teacher NPC at the Karakura Town (Lv. 7,500-10,000)

Best Accessories & How to Get Them

The best accessory in Verse Piece right now is the Los Lobos Clothes, which are a rare drop from the Starkk (LL) boss. To spawn each instance of the boss, you'll have to kill 50 Vasto Lorde mobs at Karakura Town (Lv. 7,500-10,000). The kill counter is global for the whole server. Farming this boss is also necessary for the OP Los Lobos title (25 total kills).

AccessoryStatsHow to Get

Los Lobos Clothes
10,000 Strength
10,000 Defense
10,000 Sword
10,000 Special
Rare drop from the Starkk (LL) Boss.

Best Stats Distribution

The best overall stat distribution in Verse Piece is 0 Strength, 10,000 Defense, 15,000 Sword, and 15,000 Special. That way, you're maximizing damage while retaining HP. Alternatively, you can lower Special and reinvest points into Defense. Strength is pretty much irrelevant, so don't bother increasing it.

Well, that covers everything you need to know on how to make the best build in Verse Piece. The only thing left to do is start grinding and get everything you need to make it happen! For more VP guides, be sure to visit the Roblox category on our website.

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