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How To Get Cactus Flower in Minecraft Snapshot 25W06A


The latest Minecraft Snapshot, 25W06A, brings massive changes to the sandbox title. There are new animal variants, different kinds of grass, and so much more. However, the most exciting thing the update is adding might just be a flower. Here’s how to get Cactus Flower in Minecraft Snapshot 25W06A.

How To Find Cactus Flower in Minecraft

Cacti are a mainstay of Minecraft. They appear in dry areas, but, unlike most of the plants in the game, they have the ability to cause damage due to their thorns. While it’s a pain for players who are just traversing through their world, Cacti have their advantages, including helping make Green Dye and breed Camels.

However, the powers that be clearly thought the plant was in need of a bit of a boost, so they threw the Cactus Flower in the mix as part of the Snapshots/Java preview program and plan to introduce it to the flagship game at a later date. This new type of resource has a chance to spawn on top of Cacti in the Desert and Badlands biomes. It also has a distinct pink color, making it hard to miss in the less vibrant areas of the map.

How To Make Cactus Flower in Minecraft

Of course, having to run out into the wild to find resources can be a pain, so it’s nice when more useful ones can be grown right at home. Cactus Flower can spawn on Cacti planted in the ground, and the chances only get better the higher up the plant goes. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a Cactus needs to be at least two blocks high to grow a Cactus Flower.

The Cactus Flower also needs space on all four sides to grow, so don’t try planting a bunch of Cacti right next to each other and walking away. For those who do everything right, though, Cactus Flower will start flowing, which is where the real fun begins.

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What To Use Cactus Flower for in Minecraft

After players get their hands on Cactus Flower, there are a couple of ways to use it. For starters, it’s really pretty and can make any compound more colorful by sitting on top of any block that has center support. Outside of being a decorative piece, the flower can also go into the Composter, which dumps out Bone Meal.

The final way to utilize Cactus Flower is to use it to craft Pink Dye. One Cactus Flower has the ability to produce one Pink Dye, which is a solid trade-off since dye materials in Minecraft have a myriad of uses, from making animals more colorful to crafting items like Fireworks.

And that’s how to get Cactus Flower in Minecraft Snapshot 25W06A. If you’re looking for more, here’s how to get Armadillo Scutes in the popular game.

Minecraftis available now on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile.

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