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Pokemon GO Beloved Buddies Event: How To Get Dhelmise, Dates & Times, Raids, and More


The Beloved Buddies event is seeing the Pokemon GO debut of Dhelmise alongside some interesting wild spawns and exciting bonuses too. However, there’ll be only one way to catch Dhelmise for now. Here’s everything you need to know about Beloved Buddies, including its dates and times.

Table of contents

  • How to Get Dhelmise in Pokemon GO
    • Dhelmise’s Weaknesses & Resistances
    • Can Dhelmise Be Shiny?
  • Beloved Buddies Dates & Times
  • Increased Wild Spawns During Beloved Buddies
  • Beloved Buddies Bonuses In Pokemon GO
  • Raid Bosses During Beloved Buddies
  • Field Research Tasks
  • Collection Challenges
  • PokéStop Showcases

How to Get Dhelmise in Pokemon GO

Image via Niantic/The Pokemon Company

The only way Pokemon GO players can get Dhelmise is by participating in 3-Star Raids that have the Sea Creeper Pokemon appear as a boss while the Beloved Buddies event is running.

This means you will have to defeat Dhelmise in any 3-Star Raids you encounter, allowing to catch it afterward.

Dhelmise’s Weaknesses & Resistances

Dhelmist is a Grass- and Ghost-type in Pokemon GO, making it weak to Fire-, Dark-, Ice-, Ghost-, and Flying-type attacks. All moves will inflict 160% super-effective damage.

As for what moves not to use, Dhelmise is 63% resistant to Grass-, Water-, Electric-, and Ground-type attacks while being 39% resistant to those of the Fighting and Normal types.

Related: All Pokemon GO Free Item Promo Codes (February 2025)

Can Dhelmise Be Shiny?

No, Dhelmise cannot be Shiny in Pokemon GO. This means that if you defeat it in a 3-Star Raid, there won’t be a chance you’ll encounter an alternatively colored variant on the encounter screen to catch and add to your collection.

This is usually the case for new Pokemon getting added to the game, with their Shiny versions almost never getting brought in at the same time as their base form.

Shiny Dhelmise will likely arrive in a future Pokemon GO event like a dedicated Community Day.

Beloved Buddies Dates & Times

To get the most out of the event, be sure to start playing the Beloved Buddies event as soon as it drops in Pokemon GO on the date of Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 10:00 AM until Saturday, February 15 at 08: PM local time. This was confirmed via the event’s announcement post on the Pokemon GO website.

Increased Wild Spawns During Beloved Buddies

While playing Pokemon GO during Beloved Buddies, players will find that the following broad selection of friendship-themed pairings of Pokemon will be appearing more frequently in the wild during the event’s run:

  • Cutiefly
  • Diglett
  • Dunsparce
  • Fomantis
  • Illumise
  • Mantine
  • Minun
  • Nidoran♀
  • Nidoran♂
  • Plusle
  • Remoraid
  • Shellder
  • Slowpoke
  • Volbeat

What’s more, from Cutiefly to Volbeat, all of these Pokemon appearing in Beloved Buddies have a chance of being Shiny in GO as well – including increased odds for Shiny Dunsparce & Diglett.

Be that as it may, the Shiny odds for other Pokemon on the list will likely be at their low base amount of 1 in 512. On the other hand, you can make use of spawn-boosting tools like Lure Modules and Incenses to increase your luck through lots of trial and error.

Related: How To Get Shroodle in Pokemon GO

Beloved Buddies Bonuses In Pokemon GO

Like many other events of the past, Beloved Buddies will give participating Pokemon GO players the following bonuses, ranging from increased catch XP to additional Stardust:

  • Double XP when catching any Pokemon
  • Lure Modules lasting for an extended time of 60 minutes
  • Lure Modules attracting event-themed Pokemon; including Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis; instead of the usual selection
  • +500 Stardust for every caught Diglett, Slowpoke, Shellder, Dunsparce, Cutiefly, and Fomantis

Raid Bosses During Beloved Buddies

Image via Niantic/The Pokemon Company

Along with being the only way to get Dhelmise in Pokemon GO, the Beloved Buddies event is also introducing the following Raid bosses of various levels, with the below table also detailing if that boss can be Shiny in the game:

Raid LevelRaid BossCan It Be Shiny?
Five-StarEnamorus (Incarnate Forme)No
MegaMega TyranitarYes

Unlike base enounters, the odds of getting a Shiny encounters with some raid bosses after defeating them in the game are far better. For example, the odds of finding a Shiny Mega Raid boss like Mega Tyranitar in Pokemon GO are 1 in 128.

Raids with Legendaries have better chances of encountering a Shiny version in Pokemon GO with odds of 1 in 20. Nevertheless, the Shiny version of Incarnate Enamorous not being available in the game means those won’t apply for Beloved Buddies, but will be very important to keep in mind for future events.

Field Research Tasks

Beloved Buddies will also follow suit of other Pokemon GO events by adding limited-time Field Research tasks, like catching certain event-themed Pokemon, in exchange for specific rewards such as Stardust and most notably wild encounters with Tandemaus.

We don’t know the specific tasks just yet, but we will be updating this guide as soon as we know more.

Collection Challenges

Pokemon GO events frequently have Collection Challenges as a part of their run and Beloved Buddies is no different – tasking you with the mission of collecting a huge number, if not all, of the special Pokemon appearing more frequently in the wild.

Exactly which Pokemon will be a part of the Collection Challenge, along with its rewards, will likely remain unknown until the event’s release day of February 11, but we will add them all to this section when we obtain confirmation. After all, knowing in advance what the Pokemon will be makes each challenge far easier if they have multiple stages.

PokéStop Showcases

The Beloved Buddies announcement post on the Pokemon GO website also revealed it would be having PokéStop Showcases, letting you enter event-themed Pokemon to show off and hopefully win special rewards like XP, Stardust, and exclusive bonuses.

Like those for the Field Research tasks and Collection Challenges, this section will be updated as soon as the details have been revealed to us.

Now that you know all there is to know about how to get Dhelmise in Pokemon GO, along with all of the others being featured in the Beloved Buddies event, take a look at everything else happening this month in the packed February 2025 event schedule.

While you’re playing the game on the weekends, check out our Shadow Regirock raid guide to learn of the limited-time boss’ weaknesses along with the ideal counters to exploit them.

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