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How to become a Massage Therapist in BitLife


One of the best beginner-friendly jobs to do in BitLife is to become a Massage Therapist, as it does not require much educational qualification and provides a decent amount of money to live a good life. So, if you don't know how to become a Massage Therapist in BitLife, Don't Worry! I've got you covered.

How to get a job as a Massage Therapist in BitLife

Many BitLife players assume that you don't need a college degree to get a job as a massage therapist at your local saloon. But that is entirely false, and in fact, you need at least a community college degree to apply for it.

How to get a Community College Degree in BitLife

After turning 5, your parents will automatically enroll you in a friendly school. Keep studying and clear primary, middle, and high school without any hiccups. What I mean by hiccups is that you should not indulge in unnecessary, lousy habits like drugs, GTA, or even petty crimes that could lead to your suspension from school. If you follow everything correctly, you will pass high school at age 18.

After graduating high school, the next step is to get into college. To be frank, you can join any course and get a degree of your choice for the job. However, since we aim only to become a therapist, joining a community college is more than enough. Go to the Occupation button at the left bottom and click on the Education button. Now, select the Community College to enroll in one. Similar to your school years, stay away from bad things and only focus on getting your degree within 3 years.

How to attend an interview for the Massage Therapist Post in BitLife

Once you are out of Community College, the only thing left is to look for the actual job. Open the Job posting and look for a vacancy titled Massage Therapist (Salon). If you find one, click on it and answer a simple question about life to get the job. Otherwise, you can either close your BitLife application to find a new set of job vacancies or even age up. After getting the job, you can earn anywhere from $20,000 to $30,000, depending on your experience.

For more onBitLife, check outHow to Become a Flight Attendant in BitLife orHow to become a Professor in BitLifeon Pro Game Guides.

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