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What Class Should You Choose in Citizen Sleeper 2?


At the start of Citizen Sleeper 2, you’ll be presented with the option to choose one of three different classes: Operator, Machinist, and Extractor. Here’s which one you should pick.

Which Citizen Sleeper 2 Class Should You Choose?

The class that’s best for you is really going to depend on your play style. After having finished the game, here’s my opinion on the three, with an examination of their abilities, as well as who you might like from a role-play perspective.


The Operator class starts with a + in Interface, base levels in Intuit and Engage, and nothing in Engineer. They cannot level up Endure. They also have an ability that allows them to accrue Stress in exchange for being able to re-roll their lowest dice.

Overall, I like the Operator, but it’s not my favorite of the three classes. As you upgrade your abilities, you’re a lot more powerful. However, I found myself struggling more than I should have in the early game. Interface is a solid skill, though, so if you’re able to manage some of the rougher times, it’s a solid class. I also don’t love re-rolling the lowest dice as an ability, because you can still end up with a bad roll, which is not great.

From a role-play perspective, the Operator is a good all-around class that you can use to really be any sort of character that you want to be.


The Machinist class starts with a + in Engineer, base levels in Interface and Intuit, and nothing in Endure. They cannot level up Engage. Their ability allows them to get a Stress in exchange for adding +2 to their lowest dice. They also lose 2 Stress on a Positive outcome. As the Citizen Sleeper 2 progresses, they’re able to further add to their die and reduce Stress.

I used a Machinist for my first playthrough of Citizen Sleeper 2, and it was my favorite of the classes. I found the ability to be pretty useful and good for getting out of tough situations. There tend to be a lot of Engineer and Interface checks, and those were the ones I often found myself lacking the crew members to help with. Frankly, the fact you start with an ability that allows you to reduce Stress is also fantastic, because trying to manage that mechanic is one of the most, uh, stressful parts of the game.

From a role-play perspective, people who are interested more in the mechanical underpinnings and technical aspects of the world should choose the Machinist class in Citizen Sleeper 2.


The Extractor starts with a + in Endure, base levels in Engineer and Engage, and nothing in Interface. They are not able to level up Intuit. Their ability allows them to get a Stress in excxhange for adding +2 to the lowest dice of their crew. As the game progresses, they’re able to upgrade that ability to further boost the roles of different crew members.

I like the Extractor’s ability quite a bit. Managing your crew while on Contracts can be difficult, and they’re great at making those endeavors less risky. There’s also a ton in the game that requires Endure, so starting out with a bonus to that is very nice. However, on the flip side, I ended up getting a lot of crew over the course of the game that had Endure and Engage as their main skills.

From a role-play perspective, those who want to play a more rough-and-tumble bruiser should probably pick the Extractor in Citizen Sleeper 2.

And that’s our guide to which class you should choose in Citizen Sleeper 2.

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