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Pokémon Go Shadow Regirock Raid Guide: Best Counters, Tips, and Tricks


Shadow Regirock is back in Pokemon GO as a powerful 5-Star Shadow Raid boss, but the Hoenn Legendary has more than one weakness with plenty of counters to exploit them. Here is everything you need to know about how to beat this powerful Rock-type and its raid’s specifics.

Shadow Regirock’s Weaknesses & Resistances in Pokemon GO

Just like its base form in Pokemon GO, Shadow Regirock is a pure Rock-type that has a weakness to Ground-, Steel-, Fighting-, Grass-, and Water-type attacks – all of which inflict 160% super-effective damage. 

While Shadow Regirock has a handful of weaknesses, it also has notable resistances to Normal-, Poison-, Flying-, and Fire-type moves – only dealing 63% damage. For the best chance at defeating this 5-Star boss within the time limit, be sure to avoid adding any of these attacks to your team’s movesets.

Best Counters for Shadow Regirock in Pokémon GO

Image via Niantic/The Pokemon Company

The ten best counters in Pokemon GO to use against Shadow Regirock are high-Attack Grass- and Fighting- types like Kartana, Conkeldurr, and Pheromosa – all listed all their full movesets in the table below:

Shadow Regirock CounterTypeFast AttackCharged Attack
KartanaGrass & SteelRazor LeafRazor Blade
PheromosaBug & FightingLow KickFocus Blast
TsareenaGrassLow KickGrass Knot
ConkeldurrFightingMagical LeafDynamic Punch
BreloomGrass & FightingCounterDynamic Punch
MachampFightingCounterDynamic Punch
Galarian ZapdosFighting & FlyingCounterClose Combat
RoseradeGrass & PoisonRazor LeafGrass Knot
Sirfetch’dFightingCounterClose Combat
RillaboomGrassRazor LeafGrass Knot

Tips & Tricks for Regirock Raid in Pokemon GO

While it can be easy to jump to other super-effective types like Water and Steel, Regirock’s varied pool of attacks can very quickly counter them.

Shadow Regirock’s potential moveset in Pokemon GO include Rock-type attacks like Stone Edge, the Electric-type Zap Cannon, and the Ground-type Earthquake. This means you need to prioritize counters like those above who are either resistant to those attacks or will only take them as neutral damage. 

What makes 5-Star Shadow Raid Pokemon bosses like Regirock is that Shadow Pokemon have their Attack stat increased by 20%, but have their Defense lowered by 20% as a caveat. With that, sending in counters with a high-DPS moveset should mean you and your raid party should be more than able to shred through the boss’ health within the time limit.

To add further damage against Shadow Regirock, be sure to send in Pokemon with moves of the same type to earn a 20% STAB (same-type attack bonus) on top.

For the best chance at beating Shadow Regirock, you should take at least four other players at Level 40 or above with you. However, the more you take with you up to the player maximum of 20, the better.

Shadow Regirock Pokémon Go Raid Dates 

The 5-Star Regirock Shadow Raid will be available in Pokemon GO during every weekend in February 2025, meaning you can encounter it during the following dates:

  • Saturday, February 1
  • Sunday, February 2
  • Saturday, February 8
  • Sunday, February 19
  • Saturday, February 15
  • Sunday, February 16
  • Saturday, February 22
  • Sunday, February 23

Can Shadow Regirock Be Shiny in Pokemon GO?

Yes, Shadow Regirock can now be Shiny in Pokemon GO. This means after you and your raid party defeat it, there is a chance you may come across an alternatively colored version.

The odds of finding a Shiny 5-Star Raid boss in Pokemon GO are currently a 1 in 20 chance. This means you likely won’t always find one every time, but you just might do with enough trial and error.

Now that you know how to beat Shadow Regirock, check out the complete Pokemon GO event schedule to see what else is happening in the game throughout February 2025.

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