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Best Dialga Ex Decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket


Dialga is one of the faces of the Space-Time Smackdown expansion so of course it’s getting its own deck archetype. Here are the best Dialga Ex decks to build first in Pokemon TCG Pocket.

Table of contents

  • Pokemon TCG Pocket Best Dialga Ex Decks
    • Metal Dialga Ex
    • Dialga Ex/Yanmega Ex Combo

Pokemon TCG Pocket Best Dialga Ex Decks

Metal Dialga Ex

  • Meltan x2
  • Melmetal x2
  • Dialga Ex x2
  • Mew Ex
  • Heatran
  • Tauros
  • Dawn
  • Giovanni x2
  • Leaf x2
  • Professor’s Research x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Giant Cape x2

Ever since the Genetic Apex days ofPokemon TCG Pocket, Meltan and Melmetal (along with other Metal-type Pokemon) have seriously struggled. They saw a bit of a resurgence during Mythical Island, but it looks like this could finally be a competitive archetype with the release of Dialga Ex.

The nice thing about Dialga Ex is that it adds a lot more consistency to this deck. Metallic Turbo allows you to attach two Metal Energy to your Benched Pokemon, which lets you ramp up to Melmetal a lot faster.

Mew Ex and Tauros are also included in this decklist as counters, and they benefit from Metallic Turbo as well. Mew Ex’s Genome Hacking only needs Colorless Energy, as does Tauros, which means that you should be able to build them up much quicker than before while you’re attacking with Dialga Ex.

Dialga Ex/Yanmega Ex Combo

  • Dialga Ex x2
  • Yanma x2
  • Yanmega Ex x2
  • Tauros
  • Mew Ex
  • Professor’s Research x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Pokemon Communication x2
  • Giant Cape x2
  • Dawn x2
  • Leaf x2

While I personally prefer Yanmega Ex in a Grass-type shell with Exeggutor Ex, I’ve found that it can work really well with Dialga Ex as well, especially with its Colorless Energy requirement. Yanmega Ex doesn’t do anything flashy, but Air Slash deals 120 damage, which can one-shot a lot of competitors. The downside is that you’re forced to discard an Energy, but Dialga Ex can easily build it up again.

It’s worth noting that Dialga Ex probably slots well into basically any Colorless deck thanks to Metallic Turbo. While I do feel that Yanmega Ex is probably its best Colorless partner, it’s could be worth experimenting with other strong Colorless decks likst Pidgeot or Pidgeot Ex.

And those are the best Dialga Ex decks to build first in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Be sure to search up site for more tips and information on the game.

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