NHD is UK’s only independent monthly magazine for dietitians and nutritionists
NHD (Network Health Dietitians) is the UK’s only independent monthly magazine for dietitians and nutritionists.
NHD Magazine is now available FREE in app form! The UK's most respected nutrition and dietetic magazine is available to read and download each issue. Read all 10 issues per year on your tablet or smartphone.
Since 2005 NHD has published the most current and thought-provoking dietetic editorial by the leading nutrition writers from the UK and internationally.
Expert academic and professional nutrition writers feature stories on public health, community nutrition, clinical nutrition, latest research, case studies, clinical guidelines, columns, opinion, global interest and professional development.
NHD also features the UK’s largest independent dietetic recruitment site at dieteticJOBS.co.uk which includes NHS, private, corporate and locum vacancies through the UK.
Continuing Professional Development
The NHD app also includes 40+ CPD eArticles for all nutrition professionals to print, fill in and keep as part of their ongoing CPD requirements.
Visit NHDmag.com to learn more about NHD publications or download the app here and get started reading the latest issue.