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Nichosi the best Russian meme! Clicker game that will teach you to be strong!

Cookies or steel biceps?

Real Kachosi chooses the game-clicker to become more stronger, even when his favorite gym is closed! Nichosi - is a famous russian Internet meme means ""Wow!"" And now you can play with this funny white creature in this game.

Nichosi Kachosi - only simulation game in the world, helping to pump the part of the body that can not pump in any gym - your fingertips! Strong muscular fingers - already now! The result is visible immediately! Nichosi!

Tap, tap, TAP! Tired Tapan? Nichose! Activities for wimps! Even my grandma taps more!

Become a titan hero of the clicker sports simulation! Tap, push, click! Become a real Muscled! Increases your record and conquer rivals! Break the record of the leader and become the most powerful Kachosi! Let everyone see that you're a leader, and say to you, '""Nichosi! What a Kachosi!""

Also now nothing will prevent Kachosi focus on training! Watch the ads only when it pleases you to take a break! Charge for this award - additional taps! Tap faster than other ... even when resting!

And remember, we are for a fair sport! Kachosi pumped full of you! There are Kachosi who use steroids! Natural bodybuilding against chemical! The leaderboard includes only those leaders Kachosi that train with the help of their own power. Cheaters will be ignominiously removed from there! Nichosi! The coach can not be deceived =)

- Fun sport simulator and cllicker game (also well known as tapper game)

- Nichosi or Nichose - a well-known Internet meme in Pussia, short exclamation ""Wow!"" Now you see it in the game!

- Dozens of upgrades - a real Kachosi must be strong and stylish!

- Best Music for strength training!

- Play for real Kachosi!

- Real Kachosi begin their trainings from childhood. Age group: for all!

- Tap, Click, Push and Train to be Muscled, and you will open new equipment ... Alpaca confirmed!

- Be first! Be the leader! Kachosi do not know any other purpose!

What's New in the Latest Version 1.2.5

Last updated on Dec 1, 2016 Ничоси! Качоси хорошо поработал в качалке, и стал снова работоспособен (исправлены ошибки работы приложения).

По-прежнему ты можешь получить более 50 убойных костюмов совершенно БЕСПЛАТНО! Не хватает тапов? Просто посмотри рекламу, и получи костюмы и инвентарь ПРЯМО СЕЙЧАС! Ничоси!
Также в качалке все еще действует магазин спортивного инвентаря: качайся гирями, штангами, альпакой... Да, альпакой! Настоящий Качоси качается всем подряд!
Продолжай качаться и побеждай соперников!

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