Keeps track of your Bluetooth LE temperature sensors.
The nRF Temp 2.0 is an application for Bluetooth low energy temperature sensors like Nordic Semiconductor's nRF TEMP sensor. The nRF Temp 2.0 app lets you see real-time temperature data, as well as historic temperature data, in table and graph format. It can also monitor multiple sensors simultaneously.
The application stores temperature value in 5 minute intervals.
If option enabled, application will scan for temperature reading also in background (10 seconds scanning period after each 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes).
The application supports the following functionality:
- Reads and records temperature data from several sensors,
- Users can add several sensors to "favourite" list,
- Stores temperature data,
- Monitors battery status and signal strength of temperature sensors,
- Users can set user friendly sensor names on the phone,
- Reads values from advertising packets instead of connecting to temperature sensors,
- Reads temperature values in background if option in Settings enabled (default).
- Supported on Android version 4.3 or later.
- Tested on Nexus 4 and Nexus 7
- nRF Temp 2.0 has replaced nRF Temp app which is no longer supported
September 18, 2013
- new graph view for displaying historical temperature readings
- possibility of adding sensors to "favourite sensors" instead of showing all devices in range
- redesigning of user interface
- bug fixing
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