Take your child to the level required spelling for his college entrance.
STOP THE SPELLING MISTAKES! ObjectifZéroFaute is the game that teaches your child the right questions to ask when he writes and reads. This application quickly bring and stress level required for entry to college. The points of grammar covered conform to the primary end of the program (CM1 & CM2).
Operating in a sound and graphics dramatized atmosphere and inspired video games, children are at each level facing short sentences or fault. If it identifies a fault, it indicates this by clicking on the word. A small robot anime and comments pictorially successes and mistakes. If he is wrong a simple and precise explanation is given. The proposed rules are deliberately pragmatic, often based on the principle of substitution by an equivalent term to resolve ambiguities between the same words ("to" or "a"?) And thus give your child simple tools to highlight the meaning and grammatical function words.
Repetition is the key to learning, 1 to 5 stars are associated with each level to encourage the child to play them without error and get 5 stars.
Each level contains five rules to remember, an algorithm automatically determines those the child masters or not and chooses at each step the type of error to show, emphasizing the rules he can not identify. When the algorithm determines that the child masters a rule, he earns a star.
The activity is divided into twelve levels of increasing difficulty and allows 60 to learn rules illustrated by examples in 1200. The total usage time to complete all levels on average 20 to 30 sessions 5 to 10 minutes of play, depending on the level of your child.
This version allows you to evaluate the first four levels, with no limit on the number of uses. Your child can practice as much time as he wants on these levels.
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