P1H Given You Knowledge About Mental Illnesses, As Well As Reference to Professional Help
The Psychic First Aid app is developed for those who want to be able to help a fellow human being who shows signs of mental illness or who is in an emergency mental crisis. Mental first aid is about daring to contact one's fellow human beings who show signs of mental illness, listening to and supporting the person until professional help can take over. The app gives you knowledge of what you can do if you face someone who shows signs of mental illness and who needs help.
If you meet someone who needs urgent help, the app can also give you references to professional help and you can also find other aid measures for non -emergency cases. With the app you also have the opportunity to test your own knowledge of mental illness.
The Mental First Aid app is a supplement to the courses in mental first aid, which is based on the Australian, Mental Health First Aid "MHFA". With the support of TrygFonden, the Psychiatric Foundation has translated and adapted the program to Danish conditions.
Good pleasure.
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