Plan your field strategies for the latest Paintball competitions.
This app is developed for paintball teams who play speedball competition events, it is NOT a game. It is designed for tablet usage but can also be used on a phone.
The user can put down the field layouts from the likes of the Millennium Series, PSP or NXL leagues and then name the bunkers as you wish for your team. Lay down the best places for your players to go and draw where they can shoot. Save off different game plans and share. Use on a tablet at an event to quickly indicate different shooting strategies, no more need for lots of field layouts on paper to scribble on.
Main features are:
- 15 common bunkers
- Bunkers can be placed and then rotated (use second finger on screen to allow rotation).
- Mirror option to keep bunkers symmetrical.
- Individual bunkers can be named by the standard names or code names a team uses.
- Placement of two different team players to highlight where your team should go and where the opponents could.
- Draw shoot lines so players know where they should be targeting.
- Share option to pass on final game plans to the team by email or other share options your phone/tablet provides.
- Choice of red or blue coloured bunkers (or feel free to mix and match).
- Choice of the green grass layout or the plain lined layout.
This is very round and ready so no doubt a load of bugs in there but it usable. It has been sitting on my hard drive for a while so I thought I would get enough of it complete so others could use it if they so wish so take it as a freebie that you might find of use (or not). Suggestions for improvements/additions are welcome.
Few points to be aware of:
- For moving a bunker, the touch point is above and to the left to enable to see where you're putting the bunker.
- Long press on an icon to get an explanation as to what it does.
- Yes the rotation is... quirky to say the least. Will get that working better eventually.
- Best to use on a tablet only. It could be used on a phone but the layout and bunkers are that small it might be an exercise in torture. Though feel free to do so if you like that sort of thing...
- I'm afraid there is not an undo. Well there was but it isn't fully working as it should. For a future update.
- Zooming in and out would be nice and make it easier for using phones, etc. Tried and so far been unsuccessful...
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