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Get 4 variants of the classic peg solitaire board game: marble solitaire.

Welcome to the 21st Anniversary Edition of Pegz. Relieve boredom, have fun and exercise your mind all at the same time, how can you lose!

Pegz contains 4 games in 1, allowing you to play on either the traditional British or European boards, the popular Triangular board or on one of the 50 shaped marble solitaire boards.

At the start of game a number of pieces are positioned at on the board. Turns consist of the player moving a single piece from one square to another. The piece can only be moved to a vacant square. On route the piece must jump an adjacent piece. The piece that is jumped is removed from the board.

The game continues until there are no more moves possible. If you have removed all but one piece from the board you have won the game. For the British, European and Triangular boards if the single remaining piece occupies the originally vacant central board square you have played a perfect game.

For the shaped board games, a board is chosen at random from the built in set of around 50 boards. The board is populated with pieces from a randomly generated but solvable game. The number of pieces placed is dependant on the level of play chosen. This produces an unlimited set of games ranging from easy to hard to keep you on your toes.

What's New in the Latest Version 5.10.54

Last updated on May 31, 2024 * Numerous minor improvements to the game presentation.
* Updated dependent SDKs

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