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Phone Alarm Security:Anti Theft is a free app with sound alarm and burglar alarm

Millions of people around the world want to protect their mobiles, I think you are one of them .Let me I ask you some questions :

You leave your phone in public place? Your children they take your mobile without permission?Your wife/husband want to check your device for some reason?You have a colleagues who always touch your device ? Don't worry my friend Because that we made "Phone Alarm Security:Anti Theft" a security app with a lot of functions. GET IT NOW IT'S A FREE APP.

The features of our freeTouch alarm protector app :

❤‿❤ Motion activated alarm★★★★★

❤‿❤ Phone is moved, the alarm will sound.★★★★★

❤‿❤ Vibration modes, caused alarm in silent mode and option to force the max sound★★★★★

❤‿❤ Easy and clean user interface.★★★★★

❤‿❤ someone unlocks the phone.★★★★★

❤‿❤ Duration of the alarm can be changed.★★★★★

▲ Why you have to download our cool burglar phone alarm app? ★★★★★

The "Phone Alarm Security:Anti Theft" is the best alarm for your devices ,It protect it from pick pocketing! and bad people, maybe you leave your mobile in public place this phone protector app is your solution or even from your children, you know kids don't respect the privacy.With this burglar alarm system you can stop worrying your device would fall-off from your pocket when you are on the go or being touched without you being noticed about.


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