US, UK or Spanish words in a grid. Hot seat, leaderboards & social media
✪ Play alone or with friends, offline or on, just remember to click the 'g+' in the bottom left anytime before playing or your scores will not leave your handset.
✪ 3rd party dictionary providers to look up your contested words offline (ColorDict or Livio (also with Spanish)).
✪ Many styles of play and leader boards featuring experience weighted and quick fire (to deter the use of solver programs)
✪ Up to 10x10 grid sizes (depending on screen size)
✪ 4 letter minimum for word entry
✪ Scoring relative to available points in generated grid
✪ Clean (worst swear words removed) word lists for US (80,000) and UK English (200,000). Also Spanish (~80,000 words)
✪ Totally free
Please email [email protected] if there is a problem. If you tell me the problem I can fix it or block installation on LG Volt 5x.
Those leaving 1 star ratings, kindly tell me how I can improve? Perhaps I will remove translations?
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