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  • Poker Star Odds Calculator

    Poker Star Odds Calculator

    8.2 8.0.0 2024-12-19
    Card Strategy

poker odds calculator, poker calculator, poker odds, poker hand evaluator, Holdm

Poker Star Odds Calculator is a Texas Hold'em, Odds Calculator / Hand Evaluator for Texas Hold'em to calculate Poker odds.

Outs will be calculated for Flushdraws, Gutshots and Pairs after Flop and Turn.

The Win, Draw and Loss % Values will be calculated by a Monte Carlo Simulation (Approximation) from HeadsUp to 10 players, depending on the number of "unknowns" and the current accuracy Settings, after pressing the Simulate Button.

Additional is calulated, how many Hands are stronger as your Hand, in the current Situation (HandStrength HS), directly after Card selection.

Use Poker Star Odds Calculator e.g. in Heads Up (2P) like:

If (Win + Draw) > 95 then


else If (Win + Draw) > 56 then


else If (Win + Draw) > 50 then


else Fold

For x Players use eg for Call:

If (Win + Draw) > (100 div PlayerCount) then Call

(100 div PlayerCount) =

100 div 2 Players = 50%

100 div 3 Players = 33%

100 div 4 Players = 25%

100 div 5 Players = 20%

100 div 6 Players = 16.66%

100 div 7 Players = 14,29%

100 div 8 Players = 12,50%

100 div 9 Players = 11.11%

100 div 10 Players = 10%

-> E.g. For 6 Players:

Call if (Win + Draw) > 16.66%


* Calculates odds for Texas Hold'em Poker

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* Real time approximate odds are displayed while calculating more precise odds

* A Monte Carlo simulation(approximation) will be ran to calculate the odds

* Odds/outs can be calculated for 2 - 10 players

* Discard up to 5 cards(exposed cards)

Show the world how good you are at Texas Hold'em Poker. Choose the winning hand in a given random Poker hand situation.

You will see a random hand with 2-10 players and a random hand state (flop / turn).

1) Unique game for Texas Holdem Poker gamers!

2) Shows you the Odds

If you have any questions, please Email me.

Poker odds calculator: choose players' hole cards and optionally some of the board cards and get winning probability and equity for each player.

Currently supports Texas Holdem only.

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