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Play Texas Hold'em with your friends and a Cast device.


The application requires a Cast device (i.e. Chromecast).

PokerCast allows you and your friends to play a Texas Hold'em poker match with your smartphones and a TV. The poker table is shown on the television screen, and the players are able to see their cards and perform actions on individual phones.

Create the players, set the game informations (blinds and number of chips) and start a new game!

It's also possibile to create more than a player on each device: the device will then be in multiplayer mode, and will ask for the right player before each turn. Anyway if each device has only one player, the game will flow without interruptions. The number of players in each game must be between 2 and 10.

The TV screen will show the game progress with all the informations:

• Shared cards

• Player actions

• Player chips

• Player bets

• Hand winner

• Game winner


• Action Undo: the game actions (fold, check, call and raise) can be undone while in the time frame chosen in the device preferences.

• Messaging: every device connected to the Chromecast (even if it has no players) can send messages that will be shown on the TV screen.

• Change Game Parameters: the creator of the game can change the blinds amount.

The free version has a time limit of 10 minutes for each game: afterwards the game will automatically end.

The premium version can be purchased from the application itself.

At least one of the connected devices with players must have the premium version to cancel the time limit for all the players.

If you have suggestions or need help, contact us!

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