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  • 2Degrees Toolbox (Ad-Free)

    2Degrees Toolbox (Ad-Free)

    9.4 2024-12-23
    Boletim social

Easily manage and see the details of your 2 Degrees account

Se você tiver problemas, como dados que não estão sendo exibidos corretamente, envie -me um email, pois não posso responder aos comentários no mercado do Android para obter os detalhes necessários para corrigir os problemas.

- Compatible with both prepay accounts and pay monthly accounts.

- Widget showing main details - 1x2 and 2x2 sizes available

- Set background, transparency, and text size on the widget

- Full details viewable in application

- Configurable update intervals

- Easily purchase value packs through the application. You must confirm before any purchase is made.

Data is retrieved over the internet from the 2degrees website, so a internet connection is required to update. Automatic updates may be turned off, or restricted to wifi, in the settings.

Explanation of permissions:

- Internet: To retrieve data

- Phone state: For restricting updates to wifi only etc.

- SMS Messages: For the buying of data packs - this application only sends messages to 233 to buy these packs.

If you have any problems or suggestions feel free to email me!

Want to make this app better? Clone the sources from and send me a pull request!

Copyright (c) 2011 Jordan Thoms.

Este programa é um software livre: você pode redistribuí -lo e/ou modificá -lo nos termos da licença pública geral da GNU, conforme publicado pela Free Software Foundation, versão 3 da licença ou (por sua opção) qualquer versão posterior.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Aug 11, 2015 Fix updating for Postpaid accounts.

Estou trabalhando em uma versão nova e mais moderna deste aplicativo com widgets redimensíveis etc. Preciso de contas de teste para testar o aplicativo - se você estiver disposto a testar a versão beta ou me dar acesso à sua conta para testar, envie um email para [email protected]

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