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Your Wishlist always at hand!

The official AnimeClick APP is here!

From today the experience with the AnimeClick APP lication is even more complete!

Going to the comic shop with the list of books to take will no longer be a problem!

With our new app you can access your wishlist at any time and check the books you need to buy this month.

Furthermore, once purchased, you can move them to your list with one click.

What if you forgot to add a booklet to the list?

Você poderá procurá -lo graças à função de pesquisa, visualizar a descrição do trabalho e procurar o livro que deseja adicionar à lista.

In addition, you can add the works to your "works list" to keep track of the viewed episodes of your anime and read volumes of your manga!

Mas não para por aí!

O aplicativo é atualizado constantemente para fornecer recursos adicionais que permitirão que você aproveite completamente a experiência do Animeclick sempre na ponta dos dedos.

- Log in with your credentials

- If you can't remember your password, you can recover it quickly and easily

- View the list of books in possession and in purchase

- Quickly move and delete volumes from lists even with multi-selection

- Sort your wishlist according to the filters we have prepared for you

- View your shopping list for this month

- View the latest news

- Search for works through the search function

- Add books to your wishlist

- Add the works to your works list to keep track of the episodes seen and volumes read

What's New in the Latest Version 3.2.8

Last updated on Jan 27, 2023 La befana tutte le feste porta via, e ha portato via il cappello anche al nostro Darunyan!

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