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  • BusyBox On Rails

    BusyBox On Rails

    9 5.1.80 2024-12-16
    Ferramentas práticas

Simple busybox app that provides an on rails experience for Android devices.


- Raiz

- ARMv7/v8 or x86 device

A simple busybox installer/uninstaller/verifier that provides an on rails experience for Android devices.

Why another busybox installer:

- There are broken busybox installations out there and fixing these are hard for the typical users

- busybox installation should be like su binary: as simple as it can get

- I want a busybox installer that I can control

Source code:

What's New in the Latest Version 5.1.80

Last updated on Dec 14, 2016 Version 5.1.80
- Use more reliable hosts for busybox binaries
- Busybox 1.25.1 (available for a while now)

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