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  • DSO Planner Lite (Astronomy)

    DSO Planner Lite (Astronomy)

    8 3.8.4 2024-12-12
    Aprendizagem educacional

Astronomical observation planning tool with excellent star charting capabilities

O DSO Planner Lite é uma ferramenta de planejamento de observação de astronomia, com excelentes recursos de gráficos de estrelas feitos por observadores amadores ativos e experientes com uma paixão por observações visuais. A edição gratuita vem equipada com o catálogo Yale Bright Star (9 000 estrelas a 6,5m) e 220 objetos de céu profundo (Messier e Caldwell Catalogs contendo as galáxias mais brilhantes, nebulosa, aglomerados globulares, aglomerados abertos e nebulosa planetária).

Consider other Editions for more stars / objects.

Recursos de aplicativo:

+ Planning tool. Filtre qualquer banco de dados de objetos por localização do observador, condição do céu, equipamento astronômico, faixa de tempo de observação e recursos de objeto (tipo, dimensão, magnitude, altitude mínima, visibilidade e outros campos de catálogos personalizados). Remove duplicate objects when searching in intersecting databases. Create up to 4 observation lists. Easily track observed and remaining to be observed objects with note taking tool

+ Double Star catalog. 50 brightest double stars from Yale catalog. Info Panel with PA and separation for each component.

+ Unique visibility tool. Only objects that are visible with selected equipment in the current sky conditions could be shown on the Star Chart

+ Cross-match names database. Search objects by less common names

+ Famous Steve Gottlieb Notes attached to NGCIC objects

+ Offline images. Integrated set of deep sky object images

+ DSS imagery support. Download DSS (Digitized Sky Survey) images of any sky portion into offline cache and overlay it on the star chart

+ PushTo for dobsonian mounts with setting circles. Level your dobsonian mount and perform one star alignment. The program will automatically recalculate az/alt numbers to easily hunt the object

+ Nebula contours. Contours of famous nebulae

+ Object contours. Ellipse in real dimension and orientation on the sky chart

+ Bright Solar System objects. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn shown on the sky chart

+ Night mode. Red keyboard and menus

+ Note taking. Take text and/or audio notes

+ Observing places. GPS, manual coordinates, custom lists. Database with 24 000 cities worldwide

+ Equipment. Keep track of all your telescopes and eyepieces. Use them for object visibility calculation and star charting

+ Twilight calculator. Sun, Moon rise / transit / set. Moon Phase. Civil, Nautical, Astronomical twilights.

+ 2 visual themes (bright and dark)

+ Powerful share/export/import capabilities (of databases, observation lists, notes)

Isenção de responsabilidade

What's New in the Latest Version 3.8.4

Last updated on Aug 24, 2023 + Minor fixes and improvements

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