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Don't know where to have your lunch?
foodSquare , can help you find food shops near you. Along with a number of people check-ins on FourSquare,so you can know how popular that place is!!.
If you still can't choose, just shake the phone, We will random a place for you.
- find food shops, restaurants near you with number of people who been checked-in.
- sort by distance or checkin count
- type in place name to find restaurant somewhere else.
- shake to randomly pick a place.
- checkins to FourSquare.
- Upload picture to fourSquare Venue
- view place details, map, tips, images
- now you can use foodSquare without having to login to FourSquare first, unless you need to checkins.
- support multi-language included Thai.
- submit tips.
- Show tip, picture list.
- Show detail of place in-app.
- etc.
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