InícioaplicativoAprendizagem educacional

Islamic Religious Education and Interactive Stories for Children and Kindergarten PAUD

KABI is an interactive application of the stories of 25 prophets in Islam. This application is summarized from various reliable sources. It is very suitable for Muslims to learn to know the prophets and their stories in spreading the religion of Allah. With this application, you can read wherever and whenever you want.

Combinando o conceito de aplicação, interação, animação, som e smartphone, há uma mídia educacional islâmica interessante e apropriada para crianças. The goal is to make delivery easier and more attractive to children. But accompany children when using this application.



★ Download stories as needed

★ Story management, saving memory

★ Best quality illustrations and animations

★ Designed for children and safe

★ Equipped with interaction, narration and voice



1. Adam AS.

2. Idris AS.

3. Noah AS.

4. Hud US.

5. Soleh AS.

6. Ibrahim AS.

7. US Luth.

8. Ismail AS.

9. Isaac AS.

10. Jacob US.

11. Yusuf AS.

12. US Job.

13. Sueb US.

14. Musa AS.

15. Aaron AS.

16. Zulkifli AS.

17. David AS.

18. Solomon AS.

19. Ilyas US.

20. Ilyasa AS.

21. Jonah AS.

22. Zakaria AS.

23. Yahya AS.

24. Isa AS.

25. Muhammad SAW.



★ Kabi is a brand owned by Educa Studio

★ Kabi presents Islamic education for children

★ Kabi brings you interesting and latest media

Conecte -se conosco


Email: [email protected]




Educational games in the application, so give your best review for this application so that we can continue to develop and improve. Don't forget to keep updating this application too.

What's New in the Latest Version 5.6.5

Last updated on Nov 1, 2024 * Fitur baru 'search' untuk mencari cerita yang ingin Anda baca!
* Fitur baru filter 'gratis' dan 'VIP' untuk mengurutkan daftar cerita!
* Fitur baru 'urutkan berdasarkan tanggal'
* Fitur baru 'Badges', Tunggu apalagi? koleksi semua lencananya!
* Fitur baru 'Profile', login dengan akun anda dan pantau aktifitas bermain anak Anda!
* Fitur baru 'Cerita untuk Anda', pilih kategori cerita yang anak Anda sukai, lalu kami akan merekomendasikan cerita untuk anak Anda!

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