InícioaplicativoBoletim social

Chat with friends and family and receive deals from local businesses

Who's in your Lasso?

Lasso IM is a social media application that allows users to receive information and deals from businesses within their selected 'lasso'. The 'lasso' distance is controlled by the user and ranges from 0-50 miles. It combines both the traditional methods of advertising with 'real-time', hyper advertising.

Lasso IM is also an instant messenger and allows users to interact with both their phone and Facebook contacts like any other instant messenger.

The range (0-50 miles) is controlled by you the whole time. As empresas também podem optar por impulsionar suas ofertas e informações em tempo real para um raio menor da localização deles, mas você está sempre no controle do que recebe.

Lasso IM é uma maneira totalmente nova, as empresas podem interagir com você e é o único aplicativo que integra tanto a hiper-anunciação quanto um mensageiro instantâneo em um aplicativo.

Lasso IM uses a stand-alone login process, which means anyone* can experience Lasso IM *terms and conditions apply.

If you encounter any difficulties then please contact Lasso IM at [email protected]

Thank you for using Lasso IM


- Chat with phone and Facebook contacts who have Lasso

- Receive localised offers to your Phone

- Complete control of your “Lasso” distance between 0-50 miles

- See where the local deals are

- Two types of maps within the App

- Manage your privacy easily

What's New in the Latest Version 1.8

Last updated on Aug 21, 2015 Minor bug fixes

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