Best Modern Architecture Ideas
Modern Architecture does not begin with the revolution not with the throw arrived – arrive pre modern geometric and replaced it with the other one – as a way of architecture, but phase out abolishing ornament – ornaments and decor was replaced by geometry. Modern Architecture is known to have evolved more or less half a century, starting approximately 1920 to 1960 and in September 1930 has held a Congressional by CIAM that produce method of thinking rationally to rebuild buildings – buildings are destroyed by World War II. Nesse caso, eles aplicam velocidade no edifício (fabricantes de componentes de construção), eficientes, econômicos e racionais. Sua ênfase na racionalidade. Esse edifício é considerado refletir sua função e esses sintomas entre países e culturas, para que possa ser considerado internacionalmente.
Modern Architecture has the view that architecture is a ' sport ' and not think ' sports taste ' (1750), and ' game room ' instead of ' form '. De acordo com os avanços tecnológicos da arquitetura rápida influenciada. The emergence of the technology of building materials that support Modern Architecture . Por exemplo, o vidro pode ser usado para expressar um espaço ou espaços. Por causa de suas características - 'lá, mas invisíveis'. In addition to realizing the speed in building then done with mass production of building materials resulting in Modern Architecture can penetrate the limits of culture and geography, and architecture into an international style buildings – buildings in the world to become uniform.
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