Os melhores feitos bárbaros no Baldur's Gate 3 ( BG3 ) podem ajudá -lo a vapor inimigos no seu caminho sem problemas, enquanto está incrivelmente zangado. Barbarians are an awesome class to try out in Baldur's Gate 3 .
Barbarians are straightforward to play in Baldur's Gate 3 . They're fast and excellent damage dealers, and they scale very well with certain Feats. Embora os bárbaros não possam usar tantos feitos quanto algumas outras classes no Baldur's Gate 3 , alguns bons são tudo o que você precisa para causar um grande impacto. Let's go over the best Barbarian Feats you should consider picking up as you level your way through Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) .
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Available at Level 4 | Your Constitution increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. |
You regain full hit points each time you take a Short Rest. |
Os bárbaros são difíceis de matar como está, mas se você quiser tornar isso ainda mais o caso, então durável é uma ótima opção para qualquer construção no portão 3 de Baldur . Not only do you gain an extra point of Constitution, which is always good, but you also get to regain your full health whenever you short rest. This can be huge on higher difficulties, so it's a great feat.
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Available at Level 4 | Você ganha três pontos de sorte, que pode usar para obter vantagem em rolos de ataque, verificações de habilidade ou lances de salvamento, ou para fazer um inimigo reerminar seu ataque. |
Lucky dá a você três pontos de sorte para gastar por descanso longo, e você pode gastá -los para se entregar em qualquer um de seus próprios cheques, ou fazer com que um inimigo também recolhe seus rolos de ataque. It's flexible, it's strong, and it's good for every class in Baldur's Gate 3 , including Barbarians of any build.
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Available at Level 4 | Quando uma criatura lança um feitiço dentro de seu alcance corpo a corpo, você tem vantagem em qualquer lance de salvamento contra ele e pode usar uma reação para fazer um ataque imediatamente contra o lançador. |
Enemies you hit have Disadvantage on Concentration Saving Throws. |
One thing all Barbarians should hate is enemy mages. Well, good news, the Mage Slayer Feat is basically built for exactly that vibe. Isso não apenas lhe dá vantagem contra qualquer feitiço lançado dentro de você, mas também permite que você use sua reação para combater qualquer mago tolo o suficiente para fazê -lo. Plus, hitting an enemy gives them disadvantage on their concentration saving throws too. In general, taking Mage Slayer is a good idea for any Barbarian build in Baldur's Gate 3 , as it'll give you the ability to neutralize casters.
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Available at Level 4 | Your Strength or Dexterity increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. |
When you are Prone, standing up uses significantly less movement. Your Jump distance also increases by 50%. |
If you find yourself falling over a lot, or you just like skipping sections by jumping, then Athlete has you covered. Este é um dos melhores feitos bárbaros no Baldur's Gate 3, porque concede a você um ponto extra de força ou destreza e também facilita a levantamento e aumenta a distância em 50 %. It's a great all-around feat for exploration and multiclassing, so don't miss out.
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Available at Level 4 | When making melee weapon attacks, you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result. |
Independentemente da sua construção, você vai querer causar muitos danos como bárbaro, e é aí que entra o atacante selvagem. A simplicidade desse feito realmente se encaixa na raiva da aula bárbaro. When you attack, you make two damage rolls per dice instead of one, and then take the higher number. It just helps keep your attacks feeling truly worthy of a Barbarian's pride.
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Available at Level 4 | Deal more damage: charge forward and slam your weapon into the first enemy in your way. |
Doesn't provoke Opportunity Attacks. |
There's nothing quite like being able to charge into battle with your Barbarian. The Charger Feat is very thematic for the class, but also incredibly useful. Getting into melee range is what the Barbarian is all about, and the Charger Feat helps with that very nicely. You get to charge a distance of 9m when using it and hit the first enemy with your weapon that you charge into. It also doesn't trigger Opportunity Attacks, which can help you easily reposition.
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Available at Level 4 | Your hit point maximum increases by 2 for every level you have gained. |
Gives hit points retroactively. |
As a front-line damage dealer, you'll need your Barbarian to be able to take a few hits. The Tough Feat is excellent for this in Baldur's Gate 3 , as it adds 2 extra hit points per level. At the current level cap of 12, that's like having a few extra points of Constitution, which is excellent. Esse feito é escala com nível, mas também se aplica retroativamente, para que você possa levá -lo mais tarde no jogo quando estiver em um ponto em que precisa do HP extra. Still, Tough is an incredible feat to take early in the game and is a good choice for any Barbarian build.
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Available at Level 4 | When an enemy within melee range attacks an ally, you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy. Target ally must not have the Sentinel Feat. |
Você obtém vantagem em ataques de oportunidade e, quando bate em uma criatura com um ataque de oportunidade, ela não pode mais se mover pelo resto de sua vez. |
Sentinel is one of my favorite Feats for Barbarians in Baldur's Gate 3 , as it really helps their tanky nature shine. With Sentinel, Barbarians can use opportunity attacks on enemies even if they use Disengage to try and break away. If you then hit them with the Opportunity Attack, it hinders their speed as well, which can muck up their plans of getting away. Isso essencialmente força os inimigos a continuar lutando contra o bárbaro e, como o bárbaro é construído como um tanque, não termina bem para os inimigos.
RELATED:Best Races and Ability Scores for Barbarian in Baldur's Gate 3
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Available at Level 4 | When attacking with a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon. |
You can also make an Opportunity Attack when a target comes within range. |
Polearms are actually a very good weapon choice for a Barbarian in Baldur's Gate 3 . It may not seem like the go-to thematic choice, but the extra range you gain with these reach weapons can be fantastic. With Polearm Master, Barbarians gain an extra attack as a bonus action, and you'd be surprised just how hard this extra attack can hit. Pair this with something like Sentinel and it will be very difficult for enemies to get past you to your other allies. As such, this is an ideal choice if you're aiming to get in close while maximizing Opportunity Attacks.
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Available at Level 4 | When you land a Critical Hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack, you can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action that turn. |
Attacks with Heavy melee weapons you are Proficient with can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of a -5 Attack Roll penalty. |
Great Weapon Master is my favorite Feat to use on any of the big, beefy, melee characters that you can make in Baldur's Gate 3 . I love the 2H weapons and the big damage numbers you can put out with them. Sure, you lose out on the extra armor class from not having a shield, but you're a Barbarian, so you don't really need it. You take a -5 on rolls to hit your enemies, but you gain +10 damage on hits you do land. To me, a Barbarian swinging around a great 2H Axe missing a few hits, but then decapitating the enemy is what the class is all about.
Those are the top 10 best Feats for the Barbarian class in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3) . Cada um deles é incrivelmente forte e útil para o seu bárbaro, mas eu recomendo levar um ótimo mestre de armas primeiro para um incrível poder no início do jogo.
For more on Baldur’s Gate 3 , check out our guides forhow to make Elixir of Arcane Cultivation, as well ashow to dye armor. And if you're just starting out,watch Destructoid's excellent beginner's guide to Baldur’s Gate 3 .
UPDATE: The above article was updated on 03/23/24 by Jason Coles to add new list entries and images. It was updated again on 1/27/25 by Liam Nolan to further flesh out the list and enhance readability.