Verse Piece, a One Piece manga adaptation, is a fun adventure RPG inspired by Second Piece and Sorcery. The game allows you to explore different worlds, battle bosses, and collect weapons. Here's how you can get one of the most powerful swords in Verse Piece—Toji Unleashed Sword.
You can obtain the Toji Unleashed sword from the NPC near the Jujutsu Island entrance (Lvl. 3,000-5,000). To get this powerful weapon, you'll need to collect the following items first:
Assuming you have played the game long enough, you must already know how to get gems, ie, by leveling up and completing quests. That said, below I've described how you can acquire the remaining items required to craft the Toji V2 sword in Verse Piece.
Heavenly Spear can be obtained via chests but because it's a legendary item, you may have to open a few before you stumble upon one. Alternatively, it can be acquired by defeating the Toji Boss at Boss Island.
The Split Soul Katana needs to be crafted at the Blacksmith Isle and you'll need the following items to do so:
Now, go to the mystery island (indicated with three question marks) in the fast travel menu. Interact with the NPC there and call the Toji Unleashed boss by spending 5,000 Gems and 3 Boss Tickets. Defeat the enemy and he'll drop the Curse Worm, which is required to craft the Toji Unleashed sword.
You also need to own the standard Toji Sword which can be obtained via the following method:
The next step is to acquire the required Race and Trait, which I've shown in the storage picture above. For the Rejected Zenin Race, visit the Frost Town and interact with the Traits Reroll NPC . Every reroll costs 25,000 Gems and assigns you a random Trait. You must do so until you've acquired Rejected Zenin. Similarly, you can obtain the Truthseeker Race by using Race Reroll tokens, which can be obtained from chests or the Adventure Shop.
Depois de atender aos requisitos e coletar todos os itens acima mencionados, acesse o professor de professor de Toji Unleashed na ilha de Jujutsu e entregue esses itens para obter a espada Toji Unleashed em troca.
Here's a list of all Toji Unleashed Sword attack keybinds and how much damage they deal to the enemy:
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