A Hello Kitty Island Adventure tira uma página do livro de Animal Crossing , deixando jogadores em uma ilha e fazendo com que eles sejam completos para construí -lo. However, not every task can be done in one day. Here are the daily and weekly reset times for Hello Kitty Island Adventure .
Fuso horário | Reset Time |
PST | 11 AM |
Mst | 12 AM |
CST | 1 AM |
Husa | 2 AM |
GMT | 7 AM |
CET | 8 AM |
JST | 4 PM |
AEDT | 6 PM |
As the table explains, the daily reset in Hello Kitty Island Adventure takes place at the same time every day across the world. When the reset happens, players will notice a lot of changes in the game. For starters, daily quests will reset, revealing different tasks for players to tackle to earn rewards. Resources will also respawn, allowing players to travel around their island and collect all sorts of goodies.
The final thing that happens after a daily reset is the ability to give gifts to NPCs. Distribuir presentes é a melhor maneira de fazer amigos rápidos em Hello Kitty Island Adventure , mas há um limite diário, com os jogadores só de dar três presentes a qualquer NPC. The daily reset wipes the slate clean, allowing players to grow friendships once again.
Fuso horário | Reset Time |
PST | Sunday at 11 AM |
Mst | Monday at 12 AM |
CST | Monday at 1 AM |
Husa | Monday at 2 AM |
GMT | Monday at 7 AM |
CET | Monday at 8 AM |
JST | Monday at 4 PM |
AEDT | Monday at 6 PM |
Weekly resets in Hello Kitty Island Adventure work exactly like daily resets, only they take place once a week. All of the same changes will occur, but there is one major thing to take note of at the start of a new week. No domingo ou segunda -feira, dependendo do fuso horário em que um jogador estiver, um novo conjunto de missões semanais aparecerá e elas estão um pouco mais envolvidas do que as diárias.
Part of the weekly quests will be locating Tophat Gudetama for Pochacco. He can spawn at various points on the island and offers different rewards depending on where he ends up.
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É claro que, embora muitos jogadores gostem do processo prolongado de fazer amigos e coletar recursos, há tantos que desejam fazer as coisas rapidamente. Here's how to time travel in Hello Kitty Island Adventure for those playing the game on Nintendo Switch:
It's important to keep in mind, though, that time-traveling can cause issues in the game. Players report multiplayer not working and in-game events not appearing on time. So, anyone looking to travel through time to make life easier should know that it may do more harm than good.
And those are the daily and weekly reset times for Hello Kitty Island Adventure .
Hello Kitty Island Adventure is available now on PC and Nintendo Switch.