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Quantas plantas a estufa pode conter em Stardew Valley?


As seasoned Stardew Valley farmers know, the Greenhouse can be a game-changer and key to restoring the family farm back to its former glory. Here's how many plants the Greenhouse can hold in Stardew Valley.

What Is the Greenhouse in Stardew Valley?

Localizado na fazenda de um jogador e desbloqueável, concluindo os pacotes do Community Center (ou através do Formulário de Desenvolvimento da Comunidade Joja), oferece uma solução para as limitações sazonais de culturas enfrentadas fora do edifício. Depois de concluir os seis pacotes na despensa do centro comunitário, a estufa é restaurada durante a noite e os jogadores podem começar a usá -la ao máximo.

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A estufa permite que qualquer planta de qualquer estação cresça a qualquer momento, incluindo árvores frutíferas, fornecendo acesso durante todo o ano a culturas lucrativas-especialmente aquelas com múltiplos rendimentos. Unless the player removes these types of plants from the Greenhouse themselves, they will be a constant source of gold.

The inner section of the greenhouse has space around the outside for trees, chests, and equipment such as Seed Makers. It also consists of 10 rows and 12 columns of land that can be hoed and used by the player. However, the Greenhouse's plant/crop capacity varies depending on whether Sprinklers are used.

Related:How To Get Multiple Pets in Stardew Valley

Quantas plantas a estufa pode conter em Stardew Valley?

Without Sprinklers, the inner tiles can accommodate up to 120 crops or plants, with 18 fruit trees around the outside. As usual, fruit trees do not need watering and will grow as long as two tile spaces exist between them.

If the player chooses to use Sprinklers to their advantage, the number of plants that can be grown will differ. Players quickly learn that Sprinkers are great time-savers, allowing them to work on various projects and tasks around Pelican Town.

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