A new era is going to start for NFC cross-platform sharing...try now !!!
NFC sharing to Windows Os 1.0
Aplicativo exclusivo que faz pontes entre diferentes sistemas operacionais (Android e Windows Phone) através do sistema de comunicação inovador chamado NFC (Comunicação de Campo Próximo).
Works with all kinds of smartphones and tablets (Tablet version will be available as a pro version in near future).
Supports URL, Google Map, Contacts and Media File Sharing.
Note: Minimum API level 14. (Ice Cream Sandwich and above)
***Media file sharing is not available for now, but will be as soon as possible as a pro version.
**Blackberry Os should support it. You must check it :)
Due to the large numbers of devices out there it is likely that this app won't be 100% compatible with all of them. Please send your feedback to the developer instead of down rating to help improve this app !
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