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  • PassLok Privacy

    PassLok Privacy

    7 2.4.16 2025-02-26
    Boletim social

PassLok works alongside any other text app to provide high-strength privacy


End-to-end secure encryption, plus steganography for email and real-time chat.

PassLok does not use servers that might compromise your information. Everything is done offline.

PassLok stores nothing secret, not even in your device.

This app is compatible with PassLok for Email (especially in Email mode), to be added shortly to the Chrome store. Use it if your email service is not yet supported by PassLok for Email.

With PassLok, you can:

- Write messages than only the intended recipient can read.

- Do this without having established a secret password.

- Lock files and images as easily as text.

- Digitally sign text, images, and files so others can be sure they come from you.

- Convert your favorite email or texting app into a secure communication channel.

- Hide private information as apparently innocent text, or inside images.

- Use Decoy mode, so your true message is not what it appears to be.

- Create messages that can only be read once.

- Communicate across platforms.

- Send confidential mailings to several people at the same time.

- Use a borrowed device, in case yours is bugged.

- Be as paranoid as you like. We are really paranoid, and this is why we developed PassLok.

PassLok uses 255-bit standard elliptic curves, which have been vetted against weaknesses by experts. On top of that, PassLok uses 256-bit XSalsa20 encryption and 512-bit hash functions to complete the locking process. O XSalsa20 é uma cifra de código aberto de alto desempenho, que foi examinado por especialistas por quase uma década sem que nenhuma fraqueza prática seja encontrada.

The first time you run PassLok, it helps you to come up with a strong text-based secret Key, which can be whatever you want it to be. PassLok places no restrictions to make sure that you can always remember your Key without ever having to write it down.

From your secret Key, PassLok creates a Lock, which is like a phone number that you give to the people you wish to send messages to you. They will "put your Lock" on those messages, and only your Key, which you have given to no one, will be able to unlock them. Optionally, you can post your Lock on the PassLok general directory, adding a video so people know the Lock is genuine.

This is the Android version of PassLok, essentially identical to the versions released for PCs and mobile platforms. In addition, there is a pure html version of PassLok at the following mirrors:

Se você deseja conferir, deve obter a fonte fazendo Ctrl-U ou CMD-Opt-U, obtenha sua soma de verificação com um programa externo e compare-o com o valor em This is not needed for app store versions like this one, which is code-signed by Google.

Checksum for web sources (single html file) of version 2.4.13, made on 8/16/19:

SHA256: 8286-8c67-37a8-aa61-3f88-2f27-5298-d7f2-824c-92db-3eae-f0bc-a141-aa68-d64f-ac15

See the author reading this:

What's New in the Latest Version 2.4.16

Last updated on Apr 9, 2020 This release is focused on mobile friendliness:
-Auto copy when you tap the SMS button
-Insert pictures and files into encrypted data
-Smooth scrolling help
-And much more!

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