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  • PhotoPaint | Art Collage Quick

    PhotoPaint | Art Collage Quick

    9.1 V1 2024-12-26
    Ferramentas práticas

Do something amazing & creative with your Mobile Device: Paint from Camera image

PHOTO Paint makes real Art and Photo Collages in a new way. Toque na tela na vista da câmera ao vivo para obter resultados instantâneos - ele tira apenas uma foto dessa área, deixando o restante da área para ser "pintado" à medida que avança. You can use this to make art or collages in Real-Time from what's going on around you.

Some great uses are for Family Events... you can get everybody in the picture without making a major hassle! Also great for Pets to combine multiple angles of your pet in the same photo-composition. Or, for a more artistic approach: go outside and make an artistic version of the landscape around you.

Existem diferentes "pincéis" para o seu uso com estilos diferentes (adicionados um monte!)-alguns são "toque único", outros são "toque e punhado" ou toque e punho. There are various Camera FX that change the lighting and effects. The Background Menu allows you to fill in behind your work with black, white, or a camera image and is a great way to finish your art.

Now the app has a full menu system and additional brushes and FX for purchase. Todo o conceito desse aplicativo é novo, mas alguns desses pincéis e FX adicionais permitem que você faça coisas ainda mais úteis e inovadoras do que nunca. No momento, existem 4 pacotes diferentes que oferecem vários recursos diferentes por pacote e, como um grande agradecimento, qualquer compra também desbloqueará o menu Configurações dos 4 pincéis gratuitos e vários outros presentes!

The main camera screen uses minimal on screen buttons to give you more working space for your art or collage. Photo Paint gives you some semi-manual control of the camera in your device. The Reset Cam button resets the brightness, color balance, and focus. The reason this doesn't happen automatically in this App is to give you some extra control of your art/collage.

There are multiple UNDO methods in the app to provide a chance to fix things you didn't like.

Because Tapping or Touch-and-Drag gestures will happen instantly, that means there is no flash and no image stabilization happening. You may get some blur in the image because of this. This can be used artistically to create some exciting effects! However, if you don't want this, just hold your Mobile Device steady when taking pictures, and you should get sharp images. This is a unique app for creating art and collages - if you just wanted a Camera App, use the built-in one! This is meant to be different.

This App is not designed to work to its fullest in very dark areas (but in some situations it does some cool things). Please understand that there are limits based on not using a flash and the instant nature of the photo painting. It does however, give you a totally new "Arrow in your Quiver" of creative options to make use of your phone or tablet.

Photo Paint is a revolutionary new idea for an app, and its just in the early stages so we appreciate your constructive feedback. Obrigado!

What's New in the Latest Version V1

Last updated on Aug 8, 2016 -Fixed Responsiveness to different Screen Sizes!
-Added Purchase Status Page
-Full Menu System & In-App Purchases! Expand App's usefulness with tons of new options
- Quick Favorites menu to access Brushes & FX selected quicker (because so many more brushes available!)
-Added LOAD feature... now you can load in any image from your phone into the app and change it with Photo Paint. Images not created in Photo Paint may not fully fill the screen, but you can just paint in that area.

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