Use Prime Time Shuttle to quickly find transportation anywhere!
Use Prime Time Shuttle to quickly find a great price for transportation anywhere! Esteja você indo para o trabalho ou o trabalho, o aeroporto ou uma noite segura, deixe os motoristas profissionais Prime Time Shuttle o levarem lá de maneira rápida e segura.
Usually cheaper than a taxi, Prime Time Shuttle provides a professional private driver who is fully licensed and has commercial insurance.
Os preços pré-estabelecidos garantem que o cliente e o provedor de serviços saibam qual será o pagamento com antecedência, para que não haja surpresas no final da viagem.
Prime Time Shuttle doesn't charge a commission so your driver will get to keep 100% of the fare. So you can be assured your driver wants your business and will treat you right.
Our cashless system means that you don't have to worry about payment. Enter your credit or debit card, and your personal chauffeur will get his payment without you ever having to open your wallet.
Service is currently available in Los Angeles and expanding quickly.
Lodging and other services coming soon!
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