Keep connected to your public radio stations & podcasts
If you like listening to public radio, this is the app for you. Este é o seu aplicativo único para todas as suas necessidades para acessar as últimas notícias, programas de rádio e podcasts da Public Radio Networks Nation Wide, incluindo todas as principais redes de transmissão pública.
With home screen widget, your favorite radios/podcasts are just at the tip of your fingers.
This is ads supported app. With in-app purchase ads can be removed. There's no any functionality difference between ads supported and ads free version.
- Live streams from 300+ public radio stations
- Restart the audio play from where it is left before
- Pause/resume audio play on incoming phone
- Ability to skip the beginning part of the podcast
- Set your favorite radio station as alarm
- Sleep mode to turn off radio after scheduled time
- Play in background
- Download and play it any time you want
- Instance search as you type
- Ability to save download to SD card
- Ability to add new radio station manually
- Ability to add new podcast manually
- Home screen widget for easy play control and quick access
- Chromecast support
Note for users with Android KitKat or above:
Se você acabou de ser atualizado para o Kitkat e use o cartão SD como local de download, vá para as configurações deste aplicativo e redefina o local de download para o cartão SD.
For Lollipop users: Lock screen widget is no longer supported by Lollipop. Please use the notification on lock screen instead.
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