Widget climático. Mostre um metrograma na tela inicial. Free and No Ads
For Android 11 support look in google play for Weather Widget
Tired of all the conventional weather widgets that show a little sun a little clouds and temperature.
Here is Widget that shows a meteogram instead. Much easier to see if there will be rain in the afternoon.
The Widget show the Meteogram from the yr.no website from the place nearest to your location.
It updates weather every third hour, this can be changed to shorter or longer interval.
There is also an Application for those who do not want to run it as a widget.
You can bookmark your current location.
Auto update position option. Sempre que o widget atualiza (a cada 3 horas), ele verifica o local e mostra o widget para a posição atual (se a opção verificada, desligada por padrão).
When a new forecast cannot be downloaded a reload button is shown.
This application has no affiliation with Yr, NRK or Norwegian Meteorological institute
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