Word Search Puzzle Game with Multi-Languages
Word Search Multi-Languages , a puzzle game to search and find specific words you must find to win.
this game is designed with many menus :
Board size
Enable substring option
Wake lock option
Same or random pencil color selection
Option to choose a constant pencil color
Rounded or square pencil tip option
Number of random words to select from database words.
A multi-language word search game in 17 languages:
Arabic (30464)
English (71759)
Türkçe (47674)
Deutsch (46091)
Español (16395)
Ceština (65090)
Dansk (39276)
Greek (19892)
Suomi (62990)
Français (80714)
Magyar (82557)
Italiano (55532)
Nederlands (63206)
Polski (68324)
Português (51850)
Românian (33670)
Russion (33404)
Svenska (77289)
Note: All 17 language user interface labels were translated in Google Translate, so they may not be %100 accurate
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