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You see a big torture dungeon, a sort of a machine of death. So, you have to make as many injuries to your ragdoll as possible and have fun with this cruel killer-machine. Listen, your mission is to aim at obstacles, fire from a cannon and make everybody around die!

With every shot you will learn a lesson. Nothing could be the same here, no one shot, and nobody knows what could happen after you pushing the start-botton. By the way, there is a medieval torture-engine with modern equipment including laser devices and so on.

In the game Ragdoll Killer you couldn't avoid damages on your body. The cannon always will fire a shot. It will never end.

What a lovely day! Sun is shining, fish is splish and splashing near the boat, bloons are flying in the sky, ducks are gently crossing the road…BOOM! Forget about the tranquility, launching this game you will activate the virtual mode. Game fever will absorb your mind. Virtual simulator with different reality and perfect characters: monsters, criminals, titans, snipers, warriors. In could be candy world with cute little ponies or tough game of life full of adventures and wars. In this case it is up to you to choose where you want to play, dude. The virtual world is so wide – build it and craft it, as you wish! Choose your saga, would it be on the beach or in criminal prison, or on the boat. Game fever won’t let you go!

If you choose this application, it means that you choose your special virtual simulator! Start your saga of adventure!

The developers haven't got any limits to make the game such a thrilling one, and now you can enjoy it for a long time.

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