Simple log for fuel, expenses and maintenances for all your vehicles
Refueling database is a simple app for keeping records of the refuelings for all your vehicles.
Its main purpose is to calculate actual and overall average fuel consumption.
Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Austria: Find cheapest gas stations near you and save money!
* multiple vehicles
* record refuelings with costs
* calculate current/overall average consumption
* backup/restore your records to/from:
- sd card
- our server
- storage (Google Drive etc.) ==> requires Android 4.4
* export data to CSV for spreadsheet import
* import data from CSV after spreadsheet export
* metric, imperial and US system of units
* multiple currencies
* create monthly statements
* very easy to use
* For USA, Canada, Germany, Austria,
France and Italy:
Find nearest gas stations
Navigate to nearest gas stations
This feature requires permisssion for GPS!
* all other expenses (maintenance, insurance, toll, ...)
* Print / Create PDF ==> Requires Android 4.4
o permission "billing" is required for versions without ads
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