Rock Paper Scissors game android emulation of famous game to choose right answer
One, two, three shoot rock, paper or scissors in a new and exciting way, right on your mobile device! That's right, rock paper scissors takes on a whole new twist when you play it on your phone or tab. You may not know that one variation of Rock Paper Scissors, goes back to the 1600's when it was mentioned in a book titled Wuzazu by the writer Xie Zhaozhi during he Ming Dynasty. Though Xie had no Android device, this game app takes a classic from the past and earns it another spot in gaming hisory. Artificial intelligence is firmly ingrained in gaming today and to have another classic gaming experience blended with modern electronic devices is a welcome addition to our fancy gaming world.
Rock Scissors Paper Features:
• Free gaming
• Great graphics
• Seamless game play
• Fun for gamers of all ages
• Expertly created and optimized
• Professionally created game app
• Great classic gaming now with technology
This amazingly well built flawless game of Rock Paper Scissors will thrill and excite all who play this nostalgic kids classic. Play like a kid and bring out this amazing and fun game whenever you want a quick game that is free and requires no time commitment. Ge your friends and buddies to play this awesome game of luck, or just use it to make some of your more important decisions. This game has been fully optimized for Android and fun! Good luck beating the artificial intelligence and proving that humans are smarter than their phones.
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