  • Bottle Shot

    Bottle Shot

    8.1 1.6 2024-12-21

Break the bottle, but do not stop to watch the time, if it come to an end you.


> Break the bottle, but do not stop to watch the time , if it come to an end you will lose. Hoisted their friends and play group on the bench in his backyard . Compete who will score more points for broken bottles


- Simple gameplay

- Excellent graphics

- Smart inttelekt enemy

What's New in the Latest Version 1.6

Last updated on Jul 17, 2015 Теперь в игре два режима игры 2D и 3D
Уменьшена реклама в приложении
Добавлено главное меню
Добавлены бонусные секунды за разбитые бутылки

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