Knock to Unlock 으로 어떤 폰에서든 노크 코드 방식의 기기 잠금을 사용하세요!
Sometimes, we want to use KnockCode Feature (Double Tap to Awake with security pattern) in our device. But if we want to use this... We must root our device and edit kernel and edit system... etc.
However, from now on It it simple to use.
You can use the feature with this application " Knock to Unlock ".
Download this app and run and simply touch "잠금(Lock)". Then Finish!
I'm really sorry to all non-korean users.
I'll add translation and make this app better in version 2.0 ASAP(As soon as possible).
- 반 상태바 숨김(홈버튼 쓰면 풀림)
- 빈 상태로 확인 눌를 때 풀리는 버그 해결
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