Крикет с историей MS Dhoni Untold!
MS Dhoni, кино игра - официальная игра фильма «Болливуд» «Дони: Нерассказанная история» в главной роли в главной роли в главной роли. Это бесплатно играть в случайную игру в крикет с легкой для изучения механики.
- Это часть нашей успешной игры в крикет Cricket Hungama 2016.
- В этой игре мы будем играть в фильме «Сушант Сингх Раджпут», который выступает в роли Махендры Сингх Дони и играет на важных этапах своей крикетной карьеры. В отличие от других игр в крикет, эта игра будет полностью сосредоточена на карьере Махендры Сингх Дони.
- Объектом игры является забивание пробежек, когда они находятся в летучей мыши и выпускать или увольнять, противостоящих игроков с битой в поле.
- It's a First ever mobile Cricket game in the world to incorporate Manual wicket keeping and fielding system.
Функции игры:
- Simple & Easy to learn Controls
- Unique bowling mechanic that's never been done before in a cricket game.
- Manual Catching system
- Story mode: Play through most memorable matches of Dhoni's career.
- A dynamic artificial intelligence system ensures that no 2 matches are alike.
- Semi- realistic art style & Full HD 3D graphics with realistic animations
- Multiple controls options for batting ie Taps or Swipes
- Upgrade: Upgrade your equipment's to play better, faster and stronger
- Multiple Modes like Champion, Challenges, Story, Wicket keeping, etc.
- Leaderboards: Check where you stand among your friends and against the world. Be on top here to earn the bragging rights.
- 10 world class international teams to choose from!
- TV Broadcast style cameras!
- Hit the ball out of the Ground with Variety of shots like Helicopter Shot, Reverse Sweep, Square Cut, Paddle Shot and many more!
- Achievements: Become the Conqueror by winning the Tournament without losing a match or achieve immorality by winning 25 games in a row. Achievements help you earn the extra buck for your special performance.
- Player Profile: See your total number of wins, your rank on the leaderboards, Win/loss Ratio, Total runs Scored, Total wickets taken, etc.
- User experience: Player has full control over team selection, batting & Bowling Order, Fielding presets, etc.
- HD Sound: Feel like you actually playing in front of 1000s as they cheer your each move.
Coarse Location: Coarse location permission is needed to serve you location specific ads & offers.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: We need these permissions to cache and read game content during the gameplay.
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE (To Check if internet is available or not)
INTERNET (To Download Additional in Game Content from Server, and play different online game modes)
VIBRATE (Provides In Game Gratifications)
WAKE_LOCK (Prevents phone from going to sleep mode)
BILLING (Enables In App Purchases)
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