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Как скрыть в мире Денди


В мире Денди, поскольку выживание зависит от вашей способности бегать и прятаться от Twisteds, овладение механиком стелса может помочь вам разблокировать больше этажей. Not only can it help you from getting chased but also from getting away after being caught. Here's everything you need to know about stealth in Dandy's World.

Dandy's World Stealth Guide

To stealth in Dandy's World, use a Toon with the most stealth stars such as Astro or Connie . The more stealth you have, the more chances of a Twisted not chasing you as they'll prioritize a player with the lowest stealth on the team.

The Stealth stat also plays a huge role in being detected by a Twisted when you enter their line of sight. The more stars you have, the higher the chances of them not being triggered by your presence. This in turn increases your chances of getting more Tapes and Research points.

Trinkets can also affect your stealth. For example, the Coal trinket while lowering your sprint speed by 20% also decreases your stealth by 10%. On the other hand, the Diary trinket increases it by 25%. If you need help securing the Diary, have a look at our All Trinkets in Dandy's World and how to get them guide.

All Dandy's World Toons Stealth Rating

Here's a list of every Toon in Dandy's world ranked by their stealth stat to help you choose the right one for your next game:

Toon Тип Stealth Stars Ценить
Астро Основной ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 20
Конни Общий ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 20
Космо Общий ★★★★ 15
Имбирь Событие ★★★★ 15
Toodles Общий ★★★★ 15
Boxten Общий ★★★ 10
Уголь Событие ★★★ 10
Финн Общий ★★★ 10
Flutter Общий ★★★ 10
Gigi Общий ★★★ 10
Pebble Основной ★★★ 10
Poppy Общий ★★★ 10
Razzle & Dazzle Общий ★★★ 10
Rodger Общий ★★★ 10
Rudie Событие ★★★ 10
Scraps Общий ★★★ 10
Шелли Основной ★★★ 10
Ростка Основной ★★★ 10
Tisha Общий ★★★ 10
Bobette Событие ★★ 5
Glisten Общий ★★ 5
Goob Общий ★★ 5
Looey Общий ★★ 5
Teagen Общий ★★ 5
Vee Основной ★★ 5
Brightney Общий 0
Shrimpo Общий -99

While both Brightney and Shrimpo have one star, Shrimpo's value is -99 due to his passive ability.

That's all about stealth and how it works. If you are lookig for freebies, check out our Dandy's World Codes post. Also take a look at our Roblox Game Codes post for more codes.

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