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Blox Fruits Valentine Event 2025 Guide


Blox Fruits Valentine Event 2025 is here, and with that, there is tons of new stuff, including new clothing items, currency, and NPC. In this guide, I will go over everything this event has to offer and how you can get the most out of it.

Valentine Event 2025 in Blox Fruits

В мероприятии есть новый NPC под названием Valentine NPC , и вы можете обменять новую валюту, сердца, чтобы получить эксклюзивные предметы, повышения, фрукты и многое другое. This is a limited-time NPC that will disappear after the event is over, so ensure to get everything you need before that.

This NPC has three exclusive items: Cupid's Coat , Heart Shades , and Light Pink Aura . Шах и оттенки сердца Купидона - один из лучших в игре, и каждый из них стоит 750 сердец , в то время как светло -розовая аура стоит 1000 сердец .

Кроме того, запасы Valentine Shop сбрасываются каждый час , поэтому обязательно следите за этим, чтобы получить все, что в настоящее время недоступно.

Where to find Valentine NPC in all seas

The Valentine NPC is found across all three seas, so no matter what point you are in the game, you can get the event rewards. To find her in the first sea, head over to the Middle Town , located between the Marine and Pirate starter islands.

In the second sea, you have to head over to the Cafe at Kingdom of Rose. Lastly, in the third sea, the Valentine Shop is at the Castle on the Sea . You will easily find Valentine NPC in each of these areas.

How to get Hearts in Blox Fruits Valentine Event

To get hearts, you have to kill enemies that are above or below 100 levels than you . Once you kill these NPCs, there will be a chance that you will get a heart dropped from them.

To increase your chances of getting more hearts, you can invite up to three friends. Each of your friends will give you a 15% increased drop rate for hearts, with a maximum rate of 45% with three friends.

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