A mob spawner is as essential in a Minecraft world as a farm or a villager trading system. So, here is an easy guide on how to make a mob farm in Minecraft .
You are going to need a lot of blocks for this build so you should better get to farming. As for the blocks themselves, you can pretty much use anything. Cobblestone and Wood are the most common choices, as they are readily available and easy to farm in quantity.
The best place to build a mob spawn is in the sky. If you build it on the ground, the mobs won't spawn in it because they will instead spawn around you or under you in caves.
Making the spawner in the sky ensures that mobs will have only one place to spawn, and that's inside of the spawner. The other thing to do is build the spawner on top of a body of water. Mobs don't spawn on water so the mob farm will work even better.
Now, just build across a body of water and then start going up about 100 blocks. Then, create a small platform to stand on. This is where you will build the mob spawner. Also, place ladders so you can go up and down easily.
Lastly, place a chest and connect four hoppers to it as shown in the image.
Next, place blocks around the hoppers and then build up to 21 blocks if you want to farm XP and 22 blocks if you want an auto farm. You can adjust this later, too. Also, place slabs on top of the hoppers.
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Now, build a 7-block long and 2-block wide bridge on all four sides. Once, done build 2-block high walls all around it. Then place two water blocks at the end of each bridge. If you do it right, the water should stop at the end of the bridge, right near the opening of the tower.
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We are getting close to the end of making a mob farm in Minecraft . Now connect all the water trenches and basically make a huge square. The walls should be two blocks high as that's the minimum for mobs to spawn. This step might feel unnecessary as you can just start filling up, but it can be very helpful.
Now, the fun part; fill up everything inside the structure and make the walls, floor, and roof.
The mob spawner is almost complete, as this is the last and the most important step. Go on to the roof of the spawner and place torches/slabs everywhere. This prevents the mobs from spawning on top of the spawner.
After that, go back down, wait for the night, and watch as mobs fall to their doom.
The basic mob spawner is complete, but there are things you can do to improve it and make it more efficient.
To save yourself the exhausting journey of going up and down spawner through the ladder, you should link a Nether Portal to your mob spawner. Alternatively, you can also use a water elevator.
The mob spawner in the tutorial above is 21 blocks high, which means that mobs will fall down but won't die. They will be one-hit so you can farm XP on them. However, making it 22 high will kill all mobs when they fall.
All you need to do is extend it one block deeper. What I like to do is put pistons so with one flick of a lever I can easily swap between Auto Farming and XP. You can also just break and place blocks manually.
Mob spawn rate increases around beds so just place a bed near your mob spawner in Minecraft and even more mobs will spawn.
Spiders are quite a nuisance in mob spawners as they won't fall into the trenches. Instead, they will just latch onto the walls and get stuck there. As time passes, more and more spiders will collect, which will decrease the spawn rate of other mobs significantly.
There is an easy fix to this. Spiders spawn on two blocks, while other mobs spawn on one. You can go to your mob spawn and place carpets. Place a carpet, skip a block, and then place a carpet; this will stop any spiders from spawning.
And that's how to make a mob farm in Minecraft .
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