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With so many abilities and different rarities to unlock, choosing the right one can be challenging. Along with that, you also need to figure out which one is worth grinding to best suit your play style and build. To help you out, here is the definitive Verse Piece abilities tier list .

All Verse Piece Abilities Ranked - Tier List

The ranking in this tier list is not only based on the abilities but also their rarity or drop rates. Different races also compliment abilities, and if you need help choosing the right one, check out our Verse Piece Race tier list. Here's the VP abilities tier list:

Уровни Способности
С Future Sense, Kurohitsugi: Maximum Output, TNT, Cid's Atomic All Range
А Cid's Atomic, Infinite Void, Snow, Vizard Mask
Беременный Kurohitsugi, Malevolent Shrine, Raikoho, Black Flash
В Gatekeeper, Conqueror Haki, Reverse Curse Technique, Void Step

Apart from this, there's a 40% chance that you will not get any ability when you reroll. So make sure to only reroll when you have enough Ability Rerolls.

S Tier - Best Abilities in Verse Piece

Способность Редкость Скорость падения Эффект Pros / Cons
Future Sense Мифический 0,25% Gain I-frames for 20 seconds + Better version of Void Step
+ Lasts longer
+ Perfect for late-game PvP and PvE
Kurohitsugi: Maximum Output Экзотическое 0.025% Deal AoE Damage in a massive area + Deals substantial AoE damage
+ Отлично подходит для Pvp поздней игры
Тн Экзотическое 0.025% 54100 AoE Damage + Insane AoE damage
+ Good for mid to late-game farming
Cid's Atomic All Range Экзотическое 0.025% ?????? Повреждать + Insane AoE Damage

Future Sense is the best ability in Verse Piece. You can use it not only for PvE farming but also for PvP. On top of that, it is also relatively easy to obtain compared to the Exotic-rarity abilities. Aside from Future Sense, Kurohitsugi: Maximum Output is perfect for combat and farming.

A Tier Verse Piece Abilites

Способность Редкость Скорость падения Эффект Pros / Cons
Infinite Void Мифический 0,25% Stun enemies for ten seconds + Perfect for landing combo hits
Снег Экзотическое 0.025% 11100 AoE Damage + Also freezes any enemy within a certain range
Cid's Atomic Экзотическое 0.025% ?????? Повреждать + Great AoE Damage
Vizard Mask Эпический 3,5% 1.5x Damage for a while, take 15% HP DMG at the end + Buffs all damage across the board
+ Great for farming
+ Can be used for mid and late-game PvP
- The %HP DMG can kill you

Most of the abilities in this tier don't have any major cons, so you can freely use any of them depending on your build. For combat, Cid's Atomic and Vizard Mask are pretty solid.

B Tier Verse Piece Abilites

Способность Редкость Скорость падения Эффект Pros / Cons
Raikoho Легендарный 1,25% 15434 Damage + Stun + Best for early-game combat
+ Stuns enemies for a bit
Злой храм Легендарный 1,25% 15434 Damage + Great AoE damage
Kurohitsugi Легендарный 1,25% 10290 Damage + no windup + Instant attack
+ Decent AoE Damage
Черная вспышка Легендарный 1,25% 8003 Damage + Great for mid-game
+ Can stack up more damage with a decent build

Malevolent Shrine and Raikoho are easily the best abilities in this tier, especially for mid-game PvP. They not only pack the most damage out of all the other abilities but also do AoE damage, which can be great for farming.

C Tier Verse Piece Abilites

Способность Редкость Скорость падения Эффект Pros / Cons
Gatekeeper Экзотическое 0.025% Opens a portal to any island + Allows you to fast travel to almost any island in the game
+ Can be useful while you still don't have a fruit with flight
- Useless for combat
Conqueror Haki Эпический 3,5% 8003 Damage + AoE damage
+ Solid for farming
- Low single-target damage
Reverse Curse Technique Редкий 5% Heal 30% of HP + Solid before you get OP traits and races
+ Can also be used for mid-game
- Demonic Race can nullify it
Void Step Редкий 5% Gain I-frames for five seconds + Great for early-game combat
- Only lasts for five seconds

These abilities are only good for early-game, and you should re-roll them as soon as you have enough Ability Rerolls. Nonetheless, if you have HP problems, go with the Reverse Curse Technique, as it can come in clutch. For combat, both Haki is pretty good.

That wraps up our Verse Piece abilities tier list. If you need help choosing the right weapon to match your abilities, have a peek at our Ultimate VP Swords Guide. You can also get freebies in the game by redeeming these Verse Piece Codes.

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