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  • Runtastic Pedometer Step Counter

    Runtastic Pedometer Step Counter

    8.1 1.6.2 2025-03-19
    Спорт и медицинское обслуживание

Daily step counter, burned calorie & walking distance tracker in your pocket.

Are you reaching your daily 10,000 steps per day by taking the opportunity to walk more? In the mood for a new step counter & walking app? Step to it and download the free Runtastic Pedometer & Step Counter app for Android now. Ходьба, Step & Calorie Tracking с приложением Peadomement - идеальная отправная точка для новичка для фитнеса и отличное дополнение к обучению более продвинутого. You do the walking, we'll keep count and be the best step counter & walking tracker app you've ever downloaded :)

PEDOMETER APP FEATURES & BENEFITS: (limited in free version)

* Automatic steps counter detection (no matter where your phone is stored – pockets, purse, arm, hand)

* Calculation of calories burned (c'mon put in that walking distance and burn those cals!)

* Steps counter app calculates speed & distance while you're walking (the perfect mile or kilometer counter)

* Step frequency calculation (based on the steps and walking distance tracker)

* Training and activity log included in this steps tracker app -- including analysis

* Overall stats of all your activities

* Share your walking and other pedometer activities on Social Media like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and many more. Inspire your friends to go the distance!

* Pedometer app syncs with Runtastic.com: Manage all step tracker data online

* Users can save bodymetrics like weight and height for a more accurate calorie count

* Use the pedometer app in the background to conserve battery life. Usually a steps tracker will drain your battery...not here! This step tracker will be the counter of each mile, kilometer and step without leaving you phoneless -- we know, it's terrifying!

The free Runtastic Pedometer and Step Counter app is the ideal tracker of your daily steps and movement. Let's be honest, it's the best step tracker app on the planet! This steps counter app also motivates you to walk more and collect more steps. Positive side effect: More steps and longer walking distance equals more calories burned, too! So, start increasing your walking distance and let this app track your steps and be the counter of each mile or kilometer you walk.

Наше бесплатное приложение Peadomer - это идеальный шаг трекер, помогает вам достичь рекомендуемых 10 000 шагов в день и выступает в качестве вашего личного километра или прилавка. Сделайте свой первый шаг сегодня, загрузите бесплатное приложение Seadome & Step Counter на свой телефон и подключите себя к более здоровому и здоровому образу жизни с вашим личным шагомером, шагом и километром/милью в вашем кармане! And, don't forget to tell you friends about this steps counter app, too.

Runtastic - это приложения для здоровья и фитнеса! Проверьте больше наших приложений (в Additon в нашем бесплатном приложении The Seather Step Tracker), чтобы помочь вам достичь ваших целей в фитнесе по адресу http://play.google.com/store/search?q=pub:runtastic

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